Empty Shell

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Kelsey was an actress. She was the best hollywood actress so far. Though no one knew. With a heavy heart she smiled through her entire life. To be honest, she didn't know why she couldn't feel the emotion the others do.

So as to feel a bit more Alive, she started faking it. False laughs, tears, smiles, anger... ect. But the thing is, once she started it became hard to stop. She wanted to stop but it was hard. Almost as if once she forcefully created these emotions, they engraved her soul. Now, she can't stop smiling, not while the others were around. The full shells, the living, loving, emotional shells.

She went on for years to the point where these emotions became someone else's. And she was just looking through their eyes.

When she entered high school... she was shocked. Everyone, they were alive, they had emotions, but they seemed dead. Kelsey then started to mourn her old life, although she couldn't tell. When she did notice, it was when she reentered the world that helped forge these False Emotion.

Reuniting with an old friend, greeting familiar faces, and voices. She had grinned unknowingly, and wandered the familiar halls. Once it ended, she dreaded the on coming day, because, now that she was no longer an empty shell, she was to be surrounded by them.


Short story.
Copyright to Doni Wolf

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