Was it yesterday?

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Clara walked into the school and cleared everything out. Was it yesterday that she was smiling and laughing here? It seemed so fake and far away to her.

Her female 'friends' in that school were annoying, and felt false. She could barely contain her annoyance at one particular girl.

She just couldn't take it, so she met with him.

Clara looked at him with pure and utter hatred.

"Now, now," he clicked. "Why so mad?"

Clicking her tongue she thrust out her hand. "Hand it over, a deals a deal..."

He just shrugged and took the keys out. "Don't get a single scratch on my car."

Clara let out an annoyed sigh and left. Giving him a back handed wave.  She had spent the next day, packing her stuff and putting them in the car to 'donate.'

"Are you sure?" Her parents was watched her as she 'emotionlessly' packed away her stuff. She waved them off and shoved them into the car.

Now she just retrieved the last of her things. "Clara? What's up? Why are you moving all your things?"

Rolling her eyes, she turned to her 'friends' with a award winning smile. "Nothing's up. I'm just redecorating."

They gave her a weird look. She just smiled and waved it off. "Look, god, I'm going to be late..." Clara pushed herself away from the group and headed to the class, making up some lie midway, and escaped to the car.

Getting inside, Clara put the pedal to the metal and spread off. Farther she drove the more painful it became. Not emotionally but physically. A dull ache echoed from the mid of her back.

By the time she reached the place she was biting back her screams. She parked and got out of the car. She made a call and half and hour later a group of guys rolled in on Harley's and Impala. They got out and one by one gave her a hug and then they started to pull out boxes. They followed her up and when she bumped a corner she nearly fainted from pain.

"Hey," the closest guy to her reached out steadied her. "What happened?"

"I don't know... I was fine for a second.... but then it started to hurt..." Clara stumbled again and the guy who had the door open bolted to catch her. She couldn't hear or remember what happened next. All she knew was that she woke up in her new apartment. Everything set out boxes unpacked. She looked around and he was there.

She tried to sit up but pain surged through her, and he ran over to her. He 
Steadied her and held her down by her shoulders. "Relax it's just me..."

"Ugh... what happened?!" Clara's voice leapt up as the pain grew. He grabbed her again and pushed her down.

"Clara...." she flinched at his voice.

"What do you want, James?" She looked at him struggling to keep her eyes open.

"I'm just worried." She let out a pained groan and James turned her to her side, and rubbed her back.

"Was it yesterday?" Clara smiled soft. "That we shared our first encounter?"

"Was it yesterday? That we ran away crying tears of joy?"

"Was it yesterday? That we broke that spell cast on you?"

Clara sighed and James looked at her, love shining in his eyes.

"Was it yesterday I fell in love with you?"



Copyright. Doni_Wolf5

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