Bad Guy

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She lied to get another breath of air. Did that make her the bad guy?

Was lying such a sin if it helped you see the next sun? Or helped the ones you cared for live until old age claims them in their sleep?

If so, then she'd sin without regret. Without remorse, she'd weave such sweet lies that it'll capture her before they reach the other's ears.  Was she really the bad guy?

She drew in a tired breath, her body suddenly seizing up and shaking with it.

"I'm not sad!" She felt the world around her fall piece by piece. Did the price have to be so high?

"I have hated you since the minute I've laid eyes on you, but when I saw how cruel those people were to you, I decided to pretend." That's a sin. She didn't mean it. She wanted to scream that she loved them, that they gave her the breath she lacked, and healed her broken and scarred mind.

"You aren't worth my time." No you aren't worth my time, you are worth my blood, love, life! Please don't let this lie fool you.

"I'm not a compulsive liar. I am the villain too evil for you, but don't try to label the cause. I speak the truth." Help me.

" I can't believe you were my friend!"

Yeah, neither can I...

"I hate you."

Don't look at me like that.... mine was a lie.... tell me yours is too....

"I wish we'd never met. Maybe I wouldn't have wasted my time..."

Ouch. That.... hurt..... mine was a lie.... but you- you-!

You liar! I lied to protect you! You! You! You lied to hurt me! I gave up my world, my body, my mind to keep you safe! You told me you could see right through me! But you.....

I'm tired. I want to sleep. Can't I just stop? Stop moving, living? It's exhausting to keep this up...... please can I get a break? I'm so....


Maybe a nap will solve it?

It didn't.

I got a paper cut, I felt alive....

Is this depression?

I can't breath, can someone help me? I'm drowning......

The current is fighting me.... it's sweeping me around and pulling me down...... I don't want to fight.

I am the bad guy?

Maybe I am; and in every story the bad guy dies.

"No, don't touch them."

Who is this person?

"I said don't touch them!"

That punch hurt. But I can't seem to react to the pain.

"Leave. Them. Alone."

I hit them pretty hard.... why are they pulling out a gun?

Is this how the bad guy supposed to react?


Ouch.... that hurt. I'm can feel the Earth pulling me down...

It's so strong.

The Earth is holding me. You are crying above me... but I can't hear anything.

I can't see.

I tried to speak... I could feel my self speak.

I can't feel anything. I can't smell anything.

I'm getting a little peace.....

I should at least tell them the truth....

Just once.....

"I lied...."

I can see my body now..... you're crying over me, curled up so tightly....

You keep hitting my chest.

I won't feel it.

I felt something pull at my face, and I knelt down.

Goodbye hug.

You are so warm, I'm cold....

I lean in and let my head touch yours, and I let out a breath....

"I'm sorry.... goodbye."




Doni Wolf

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