Moon and Day

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Dawn was a rose of colour blossoming. And day was the sunflower of gold.

Dawn and day. Day and dawn. Everyone loved them together. For dawn brought day, and day came with dawn.

But no one could love them together more then the moon, who despite a broken heart chose to die each night to let them be together. But Sunset saw this. And tried to tell Day, but day would not listen.

Day had become selfish and oblivious to the moon's pain. It could not see the suffering Moon went through. Refused to acknowledge the scars the moon got from protecting and sending dawn to day.

It wasn't until their eclipse did the sun finally see. The scars that covered the moon, but it was to late. A rock barreled to the dawn and moon took its last hit. Dying moon fell into the embrace of both sunset and night, and let out a breathe. To which more stars then all of them put together climbed out. Resting next to the new moon.

Day then approached moon but sunset kept them apart, refusing to let Day hurt the new moon.

But moon, could not remember day, therefore is did not matter.

"My love, my life, forgive me, what my strife as caused. Return to me!" Day cried over and over again but the new moon was far to gone to hear, and sunset vowed.

"Day and moon shall meet on the eclipse, but moon is no more. Moon is now part of night, as the sun is part of the day. And dawn and I shall be their dividers at other times. So no more! Leave my moon be!"

And with that voice the sky shook and moon and sunset let dawn and day have their Reign.

Moon never remembers and became part of night, gazing at the starts with a smile.

"A breath at last."

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