Chapter 25: Queen Jakei

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Everyone went silent as Queen Jakei analyzed the group of people before her. Her eyes instantly widened in recognition upon glancing at Cross, who was practically vibrating with excitement. Despite that, she didn't say anything, as if she was in utter disbelief that the excited black-and-white skeleton was there. Even though that she was well-protected from the Multiversal War by both her fortress and her guardsmen, she was very careful not to trust someone before getting to know them entirely - and that very same principle was being applied to the current situation.

Cross understood why she hadn't spoken to him or the others, but he was a bit disappointed. However, he didn't lose hope, as he had only one purpose for being here, besides reuniting with his mother and gaining her alliance - to confirm his suspicions about the prophecy. And so, he waited patiently for the ruler of the X-Tale Universe to speak to the group. When she had finished looking over her ten visitors, she nodded in confirmation of their respective identities before speaking up.

"You three," she said, pointing to the caretakers. "Why have you returned? And why do you have the children with you?" "We're here because..." Fell Sans responded. "Well, we... kind of need you to help us." "Help you with what?" The Queen asked. "It's more or less something to do with the war," Swap Papyrus elaborated. "Like, I dunno, joining our cause or something like that." Jakei immediately stiffened upon hearing those words. "So you want me," she said in a tone that was vehement with frustration. "To join the war? After I clearly told you that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with the Multiversal War?"

"No, no, it's not like that at all!" Sera interjected. She then turned around to face the adults. "I'm sorry, but I really think that I should be the one to tell her," she quickly blurted. "I'm not trying to insult you or anything, but -" Swap Papyrus interrupted her by gently placing his right pointer finger on her lips. "Shush," he said kindly. "I understand, and I agree with you. I'm sure that the rest of us do too." The other two adults nodded in agreement. With that, the pink Draconian took a few deep breaths before turning around to face Queen Jakei - who seemed to be rather surprised at the interruption, but nonetheless willing to listen to Sera.

When she had completely caught her breath, she spoke up. "Queen Jakei," she said after kneeling down before her. "We're not trying to get you to be involved in the war, we just need some... guidance, that's all." She made sure to choose her words carefully. "Go on," the Queen said, with a reassuring smile. "I'm willing to listen to you." Sera took a moment to contemplate what she would say before continuing. "What I'm trying to say is..." She had no idea about what to say that wouldn't upset the Queen.

"Hold it," Jakei said. "Your original plan was to ask for my alliance in the war, wasn't it?" Sera instantly went pale with terror, which told Jakei the answer to her question. "But since I'm unwilling to be involved... you still want me to help you, but you don't want to upset me. Is that correct?" The pink Draconian nodded, but didn't say anything. Jakei gazed into Sera's eyes for a few moments before speaking up again. "Interesting," she said. "Well, actually," the pink Draconian said. "It's not really related to involvement. We were just going to ask you if you could... meet up with the other rulers and set up a plan for dealing with Fallacy's armies."

"That seems reasonable," the Queen said. "To be honest, I have wanted to be in the war for a long time - fighting against Fallacy, of course. But... I have always been afraid of what would happen," she paused for a few moments before continuing. "I was fearful of possible death and overtake of my Kingdom. And I never saw any purpose in my fighting for freedom," she said. "But now that you and the children are here... I can finally see a reasonable purpose for being involved, as well as knowing that my efforts will not be in vain." "So, you didn't want to fight until you knew for sure that we would be there to fight by your side?" Sera conjectured. Jakei nodded in confirmation. "Well, I guess that makes sense," the pink Draconian said. "Indeed, it does," the Popcorn Prince added.

"Does this mean that you'll help us?" Classic Sans asked. "Yes," the Queen replied. "But before you leave... I need to speak to my son, first." Jakei motioned to Cross for him to come with her. The black-and-white skeleton eagerly walked over to his mother and followed her as she led him into the doorway that she had entered the throne room from, while the others stayed where they were. Once the Queen and Prince of the X-Tale Universe were out of sight, Sera wondered what it was that Jakei and her long-lost son would discuss.


Cross was silent as he walked behind his mother, who was very quiet as well. He had thought that the hallway leading to the doorway would look like the rest of castle - but that was not the case. The hallway was instead cloaked by darkness, for it was void of light. Essentially, it seemed as if he and Jakei were walking in the pitch-black depths of nothingness. Despite this, he kept himself calm and collected as he followed his creator deeper and deeper into the dark hallway.

Eventually, the black-and-white skeleton could see a pale-gray patch of what appeared to be the floor of the hallway. He could see a single ray of light shining onto the area, but he had no idea where the brightness was coming from. Jakei walked onwards to the bright spot, but stopped when she was at the farther edge of it. When Cross halted himself in the center of the light, his mother turned around to face him. She was silent for a few moments before speaking up.

"Cross," she said. "How much of the prophecy are you knowledgeable about?" "Well," he said. "I know about pretty much all of it, but... I have suspicions about it." "Such as?" Jakei asked. "I just... I dunno, have a feeling that something's... not quite right in the prophecy. Like there's some sort of lie that's embedded into it," he replied. "Does it say anything about 'a hunter at best'?" She asked. Cross nodded in response. She was silent again for a few moments before speaking up. "That prophecy is false," she said.

Even though Cross had always been suspicious about it, he had never expected for him to be correct - which was why he was visibly shaken by her words. "But you always had your suspicions, didn't you?" Jakei asked. The black-and-white skeleton nodded once again. The Queen, seemingly pleased with his response, continued. "Even though the adults came to me because the 'hunter at best' was dead, they had no idea that they had just fixed a mistake on their part," she said. "Despite them thinking otherwise of that. They originally thought that you were the mistake. But in reality, you are anything but a mistake."

She paused before continuing. "You and Suave are both involved in the prophecy, but it was fabricated into something else that stated otherwise by Nightmare Sans," she said. "It was to mislead the adults and ruin the real prophecy, so that the Multiversal War would never end." "But, if that's true, then... what do I do?" Cross asked. "They'd never believe me." "Just tell them what I told you, and don't give up," she said with a warm smile. "I know that you are more than capable of doing that."

"Thank you, but... what do we do?" Cross asked. "Where exactly do we need to go?" "I will send you and your group to the Monochromatic Dunes, which are not far away from here. There, you will need to search for the scroll that contains the real prophecy," she said. "However... I fear that Nightmare Sans will be nearby, and will not let you discover the truth - so be ready to face him." "Thank you," Cross said. "I -" "I already know about what you want to say," Jakei said. "I missed you as well, and I am sorry that you had to face such critical judgement from the caretakers." "I wasn't alone," the black-and-white skeleton said. "But thank you, anyways." They then embraced each other in a loving hug.

This went on for a few moments before they separated, but Jakei held one of Cross' hands and spoke to him kindly. "Now," she said. "Come with me. I will assign you and the group to find the scroll in the Monochromatic Dunes. And no matter what they say," she said before directly looking at him. "Don't give up." The black-and-white skeleton nodded in understanding and agreement, and so the mother and the son both walked back towards the doorway that led into the throne.

As they reached the entrance, Cross wondered about what would happen when the group discovered the truth about Nightmare Sans' prophecy. For now though, he needed to worry about whether or not that his caretakers and peers would believe his suspicions. Cross could only hope that they would listen to him.

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