chapter six

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this morning someone was knocking on the door. i was sleepy and i was walking with my closed eyes, and went to the bathroom except to the living room to open the door.
i was hoping that it wasn't stefan , how hard I didn't want to see him i was still angry at him, he could tell caroline that he doesn't love her anymore or i'm wrong and he still has feeling for her.
i can feel cold floor agains my feet and when i opened the door i saw her.
slim, short, red dress. 12 SM heels , her red lipstick and green eyelashes, her blond hair and her smile on her face.
i was shocked and tried to said something but she said first.
" hi honey, missed me? i missed you soo much. ... why are you standing here, come and hug your mom "
" mom???? what.... what are you doung here?!!" i said in a weak voice.
" what i can't see my doughter ? " her smile turned in a disappointment.
"yeah but couldn't you call earlier? " i asked.
" oh i sent you an sms," she took her iphone 7 from her purse and showed me an sms which wasn't sent.
" MOM. if you want to send somthing you must klick on a button 'send' ." I commented.
" oh , yeah right i forgot. amm, so.. can i ... can i come in?" she asked
" oh yeah of course. "
she came in to the apartment , put her bags and sat on the sofa.
" so I thought you were with tony in new Orlena. " I commented, tony is or was one of her boyfriends.
" ah, tony and i broke up month ago. now i'm single mom. and... what about you? , after all damon thing. you know i never liked him. so made a good choice when  you broke up with him" she said.
" yeah i think so " I commented
" andd... have you talked to liam?
liam is my ex. 4 years ago we were together, i loved him so much and accidentally i got pregnant from him , we were so happy but 3 months later i list the baby and he left me . i was broken. he broke my heart, but then came damon and he did the same, and lastly stefan.
every guy who i lived broke my heart.
" NO!" i said withand anger in my voice.
" really, because he called me" she said quickly.
" what? he... he called you. ahah no i get"
" what? " she asked.
" now i get why are you here,you want me to go back to liam. thanks mom " i wss sooo angry . i was shouting at her.
" sweety, listen. i got here 5 hours ago and he called me 4 hour ago. so stop yelling at me . he was a good guy and the one who loved you, what you prefer damon who cheated on you with your sister? " she yelled at me.
" yeah he loved and that's why he leaved me. without any explanation. broken and lost. i list my baby and he left two days later. he didn't love. if he truly loved me , he would be here now."
i shouted and broke the cup.
" honey , calm down , i'm sorry, really, i ... i didn't know. i'm so sorry. come here." she said , i came to her and she hugged me , that's what I needed right now. mother, who will help me.
" thank you mom, " i said crying.
" it's ok honey, i'm here." she said with her soft voice.

3 hours later

mom and i were in the kitchen trying to cook something but we both are an awful cookers.
we are laughing and telling stories, then i got an sms , my mom took it and asked.
" who's stefan? you have 15 missed calls and 25 messages from him. is he your boyfriend? " she asked with a smirk in her eyes.
" aham , no one." I quickly took the phone from her hands and turned around.
" elenaaaa!!!!!" she said.
" ok... stefan is ,,like my boyfriend, but now..."
" what happened? he doesn't  want to kiss you there while sex?" she asked.
" whatt noo. " i said
"he isn't good enough? " she asked again about that topic.
" what?? no... mom it's not about sex. ok? " i said and mabye I yelled at her.
" then what happened? "
" i'm not sure if he still has feelings for caroline, his wife... ex-wife. " i said
" he had wife?? wow., why did they broke up?" she asked?
" she cheated on him, he has a son too, rob and i'm working as a nany at his house ."
" hahahah, tell me how's he? " she asked
" he's kind, sweet, hot, cute, when i'm are around him i have that feeling in my stomach, like butterflies are flying and i love that feeling. i care about him and i miss  him so damn much that..." i wanted to say something but then i saw how my mom was looking at me  with a smile
" what??" i asked her.
" you are in love with him" she said. 
" hha yeah, mabye."
" mabye???  elena you wrote a poem about him at this moment. and you say mabye? noo you are in love with him. admit it. " she said.
" yeah, you are right , I'm in love with him " i said and heared a knock on the door. i thought who it could be , i went to door , opened it and saw his green eyes, his perfect smile and the flowers which he was holding. i was soo happy but i didn't want to show it .
" stefan???!, what are you doing here?" i asked.
" i didn't call me and didn't came to me so i came to you, and this flowers for you.." he said and he was smiling at me.
" will you invite me? it started raining and... "
" oh yes , of course come in"
he came in gave me these flowers grabbed me quickly and kissed me. but i stopped him. IDIOT MYSELF.
" how do you.... bonnie" I understood that bonnie told him my address.
" yeah. elena... i wanted to talk to you. i was wrong theese past hours were hell for me ,the only thing i could have thought was you, you are the most important thing to my life, i can't live without you. i ... love you elena. "
his words made me cry .
" i live you too" and kissed him.
hours went quickly , stefan and my mom got to know each other, then stefan made me a baffles , it was midnight and stefan and i went to my room, we didn't do anything, we were just lying on the bed , i was in his arms and we fell asleep.

next morning my mom came to my room silently and showed me with a mouth to go talk to her.
i didn't want to wake stefan up so I sneaked out of his arms and went to the living room.
" what's wrong?!" i asked her.
" liam, he texted me, he said that he's here  and he wants to see you. " she said
" what??noo. " i said.
" yeah i told him that and he said that he's already there"
" what???" i said then i heared a knock on the door , i opened it and stood there open mouthed.
" hi elena, " he said.
" liam?"
so that's all, vote and comment please. and also i'm starting a new story , i'll tell information about it then. it will be about stelena of course.  and when i publish it pleasee check it out.

xoxo elene

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