chapter 10

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elena's POV
i'm on my way to work, my new work. i'll work as a journalist, this is my dream, and finally it came true, i remember when i was little i was always interested is other people's lives and in their secrets. maybe that's the only thing that i got from my mom.
katherine, me and jeremy , all of us took after my dad, but he wasn't with us. we grew up without a father. this is the best day of my life, but today i have to meet katherine , i'm nervous about it. we haven't seen each other after she slept with damon, i was thinking about it, now i'm with stefan and i.... i love him and why do i even care about it? anyway i'm still angry, how could she do this, but i think that i have to give her a chance.
i enter the building and everyone is in a hurry, everyone is busy, typing in their computers , talking on phones and so on . after a moment one hight, brown haired man comes to me and says.
" hey, you must be elena. hi i'm Rick ,"
" hi... i .... i'm elena, but you already know this. yeah?? " i say.
" first day and nervous?? haha, i know this feeling. you must be looking for alaric, he the boss here. his room is there and right" he says pointing to the big brown door. i thank Ric and go to this door. i knock at it twice and someone says, " come in" and i open the door. when i enter into the room an 45-47 years old man is sitting on his table , reading something.
" hi" i say.
" hi, you must me elena, right?? " he asks.
" yeah, "
" ok, sut here pleasee... soo i read your resiume and it's perfect. and today we will see what you can do , so go and work, Ric will help you to find your working table. " he says and he didn't even look at me.
" and that's all? " i ask.
" yes, go and work" he says , i go to the door, open it and leave fis office .

Bonnie's Pov
yesterday i was in a mess, i don't remember anything, i'm half asleep and i wonder how can i work today?? i go to the sturbucks and buy an enormous cup of coffee. when i went inside i bumped into a guy. his black eyes hipness me.
" i'm so ... so sorry. i didn't see you. " i say to him.
" oh .. it's it's ok ... bonnie."
" oh... i'm soo..... how.. how do you know me?? "
" we met... the bar. but you don't remember me... haha. yeah but you don't remember me.. even i don't remember many things. " he says.
i look at him and , i was just stuck in one moment. his accent is sooo cute , hah, now i understand why girls like accent.
" haha, yeah. you are right." we stand like this for an moment and we both are quite, then a bartender comes and gives enzo two cups of coffee.
he writes something on it and gives it to me.
" here, take it. and call me." he says.
" haha yeah but i don't have....." he goes to the door, looks at me and winks. then i look at my cup and see that he wrote his number on the cup. i smile a little and look around the cafe but he left.

elena's pov
it's been the first day at my work here and i'm already dying. but the good news are that i love my work and also i finished my work, but i'm nervous, i have to meet katherine. i just pit my face in my hands, but then my phone rings, i look at it and smile. he calls me, and that's what i need right now.
" hello" i say.
" hey sweetie, will u come tonight at my place?? " stefan asks.
" yeah and what happened??? "
" just say that. i have something to show you. " he says.
" awwww and what's this??? "
" just wait and you'll see" he says, and he says it in his sweet voice.
" love you" he says.
" love you" i say back and hang up.
i open the door and walk down to the street, where i should meet katherine.
i go to that cafe and stan in front of the door, take a deep breath and go inside.
i look around and try to find katherine. then i see her, her curled brown hair, her long nails which i never liked , but i was telling her that i liked it when she had them. i can say that she's as nervous as me. i'm a little afraid and think about to leave this place and go home, to stefan but then i'll leave with this feeling forever. i go closer to her and when she sees me she smiles. 
" hi.. i'm so happy that you came." she says
" yeah .. i was thinking about it really long. about ... what happened ." i says.
" elena.. i... i'm soo sorry. i just.. " she wants to say that word , but she starts crying. " it's all my fault. "
" katherine... " i want to say but she cuts me off.
" no.. let me finish. me and damon... we were dating for a long time. we loved each other.. or i loved him and he didn't. i don't know. but once we were in fight and broke up. then he met you , he liked you, he looked at you the way that he never look at me. you were special for him. and i was jealous, and after your engagement i went crazy . drink, alcohol even drugs,, but once damon and i were alone  and we slept.
we were sleeping for 2 months, and the last time was when u saw us. i'm soo sorry, " he says and cries, i'm at the same time angry ar her and want to yell at her but then i realize on thing, she's my sister, and i love her no matter what.
" katherine" she looked at me . her makeup is a mess , after she cried, it happens every time she cries.
" look at me... i forgive you. you are my sister and i love you, yes i'm mad at you and it will take time us to be the same , as we were before but... now i want you to be my sister. you'll always be . i love you katherine. " i see how she smiles .
" i love you katherine"
" i love you tooo" he says. we go outside of the cafe and walk Down on the street.
" soo he's name is stefan, is he hot??" she asks me.
" yes. he's.....OMG  i.. i have to go.. i .. ne to go. sorry kath,, i need to go,, i'll call you. " i say. i forgot that stefan's waiting me at home. i run as fast as i cab to go to his home.......

to be continued.

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