Chapter-1 a lie since the beginning

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Sorry for the ugly book cover i tried my best to make it least ugly, but it's a fail. Anyways hopefully you'll like the story don't mind my grammar (Sorry) and also the book cover sorry again.



I-I can do this. Was on the seventeen years old girl's mind, her life has been with full of lies. She's trying to do the truth but, her mouth doesn't to do it.

She was waiting until her best friend Jessica came out the classroom. One by one students came, out.

"You can do it tae-"before she could finish her sentence, a person suddenly bumped on her, well Taeyeon a short girl which makes most people hard to see her.

"I'm so-"The person cut her off.

"Look where you are going."he said in an unpleasant tone, and walked away. What a jerk, he should watch out where he's going she thought on her mind, and then Jessica came.

"Oh hey taeng you were waiting for me?"She asked her in a surprised tone, because they would always for each other in the cafeteria.

"Ehm,.. Yes it's that, I need to tell you something."Taeyeon said in a nervous tone, Jessica nodded.

"Sure but, let's go to the cafeteria I'm starving I haven't eaten yet lunch."Jessica Said and hold her arm, the two of them are best friends since they were freshmen.

When they reached the cafeteria, they took themselves some food, and say on a table.

"By the way I need to tell you somethi-"Taeyeon got cut off her sentence by Jessica.

"Before you are going to say something, I gotta need to invite you to a dinner event which my parents organized."Jessica said to her, and Taeyeon smiled at her because, she's really glad to have a friend like her.

"But, why? Not that I'm unhappy about the invitation."Taeyeon said.

"Well,.. First of all you are my best-friend tae, and secondly rich people are invited. So yeah you are part of it."She said to her, and Taeyeon had that fake smile.

Yeah, "rich" she thought.

"What do your parents actually work again?"Jessica asked her, Taeyeon chocked her saliva. They are actually working in a bakery in the jeonju train station which is her hometown.

It is 5 hours away from Seoul, that's why she's living in a simple apartment. While the other are in a mansion.

"They are working oversea for business. But they are sending me the money for the payment."Taeyeon said and Jessica nodded.

"Do you know what kind of business a company or anything like that?"she asked her like an interviewer.

"Well, I don't really know it."Taeyeon said so that no, confusion will come on her mind.

"What are their names, I mean from your parents."Jessica asked and wrote some things on a notebook.

"Their names? Kim Taeil and Kim Yeonmin (A/N I just made that name up)."Taeyeon said.

"So by the way what did you want so tell me earlier?"She asked her again, Taeyeon tried to tell her the truth but, it didn't come out her mouth.

"I forgot it."she said, Taeyeon knew that lying to herself and friends will come to a bad end. But she has been lying for her since three years, maybe it doesn't matter anymore.


Krystal was studying for her math exam in the library, she likes it in quiet places and also studying on her own so that no one will bother her.

She couldn't concentrate herself to look at the math book because, a certain person was taking her attention. Which was her best friend Kai.

He's so handsome. But, we are only friends. She thought, in fact she knows that they can't be together one f the reason is that, her sister doesn't like him because, he's a heartthrob in school which means all girls are having a crush on him.

He's not a player, but in Jessica perspective. Secondly they are best friend in crime, Jessica know's that they are classmate but, doesn't know that they are that friends.

Because their parents dislike each other because, of business.

Krystal was staring at Kai, who was smiling surrounded by his fangirls which made her kind of angry. I'm not his girlfriend why do I even feel like being jealous? She thought herself.

So she concentrated herself for studying math is her favorite lesson since elementary. Sometimes she even helps her ultimate crush.

Krystal was focusing herself until, she felt someone touching her shoulder.

"Soojung I need to talk with you."He said to her and she raised her eye brow.

"Jinja yah. Jongin I'm still busy with studying how about later?"Krystal said to him, and put a book on her face so that he won't see her smiling. Because inside she felt happy.

Kai rolled his eyes and took the book.

"Now."he said and grabbed her arm, the two of them went out the library and went to the campus. Right now they have still thirty minutes break.

"Yah, jongin?"she said to him, Kai prefers more her Korean name instead of her American name.

And as for she just calls him either jongin or Kai by his second name.

"Look Soojung, it's really important because-"before he could finish her sentence, Krystal really wanted to study for the test even thought her crush was in front of her.

She knew that studying was much more important because, her parents are really strict.

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