Chapet Three:It was only a flashback

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Chapter 3 (Abby’s POV)

   Ah, I hate oral com. it totally sucks! And did I mention douche bag Derek was there! Yeah we've had basically the same classes since 3rd grade! How ridiculous, right? And god, this morning when Em and I got out of my car he gave Em a dirty look, an almost jealous look? But not quite there yet. And he gave me a "why the hell aren't you sitting with me and my other douches and whores?" look.

   Ever since me and my brothers left his little groupie, he's been nothing but cold to me! He doesn't even have the right to hate me! Ever since that bastard cheated on me with his little sex toy Brittany, I haven’t spoken to him. And he hasn't spoken to me.

   (Flashback, day of Derek/Abby breakup)

  "Hey babe! Come here, I missed my girl last night at Aaron's party." And there was my sexy boyfriend.

"Sorry, I had to study" came my reply as I walked toward him. God he was so hot.

 "It's okay, now come here so I can make up for lost time" damn, he's just so cocky! Did I do that to him?

“Hello again” god, what is he… oh my gosh! His lips are pure heaven! So soft and delicious! Even though he is just gently kissing me, he is crushing me with his signature bear hug.

“Uh, Derek, I can’t breathe” My voice came out strained and wasn’t very loud. It’s a miracle he even heard me at all! Thank god for him being a wolf or I would probably be in a hospital right now.

“Sorry babe, I just missed you so much!” Yeah, he was clingy, but damn! He was just so adorable.

       (Derek’s POV)

I hope she doesn’t find out that I slept with Brittany last night! That was a total mistake of alcohol and not having Abby there to help me control myself on the dance floor. God, I told everyone who saw to keep their mouths shut, and so help me god if they don’t. Abby is my whole life right now and I lose her I’m totally going t be kicking some kid’s asses who told on me.

Wait here she comes. Better act clingy and needy if I want her to believe my act. “Hey babe! Come here, I missed you last night at Aaron’s party “was that enough to convince her? I hope so.

“Sorry, I had to study” wow, that girl is too smart and safe for her own good, I need to stop that.

“It’s okay, now come here so I can make up for lost time.” I really needed to kiss her right now, god I’ve been missing her lips lately. Even last night while I was in bed with that Brittany girl…STOP! Man I need to stop thinking about last night and focus on now.

“Hello again” I said as she came even closer, as soon as she was within the required distance, I crushed her in a big bear hug and kissed her lightly on the lips. It would have been more, but we were in public. God I just hope she doesn’t find out.

“Uh, Derek, I can’t breathe” whoops too much hugging? Lol, my bad.

“Sorry babe, I just missed you so much!” Now that was really the truth. I did miss Abby, a LOT.

    (Abby’s POV)

I mean I like Derek and all, but something was off with him. He’s not this clingy, even when I haven’t seen him for a weekend, and I just saw him yesterday at school. I’ve decided to ask him.

“Hey Derek, what’s up with you? You seem a little off today.” Yes, there was definitely something wrong with him today.

    (Derek’s POV)

“Hey Derek, what’s up with you? You seem a little off today.” Oh shit she knows!!! Just start apologizing! Screamed my conscience.

“Oh shit babe! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to sleep with her! I was drunk and I really didn’t mean to! That’s why I don’t usually go to parties without you! Oh babe, I’m so sorry!”

“WHAT! Derek when I meant something was up with you I meant having a killer hangover! Or being sick!” What the hell was he talking about?!

“Ohhh, shit” he whispered. But I damn well heard him thanks to my wolf, and she didn’t like what he was telling us. She really liked Derek and so did I, but now…I feel nothing towards him.

“Yeah, oh shit is damn right! Now who the hell did you sleep with?!” I screamed with venom.

“Shh, babe you’re making a scene! Just calm down, we can talk in private you know.” Oh hell no! Too late bro! This will be a scene!

“I don’t care if I making a fucking scene, Derek! What the hell did you do?!” I was by fuming now. And everybody crowded around to see what was happening, Em, Chase, and Emmitt by my side, Jake, Zach, and Elijah by Derek’s side.

“It wasn’t what, it was who” he whispered, and with that I almost fell to the ground to cry my eyes out. Almost.


hey guys, this chapters more of a filler of abby and derek's past,comment and vote to show me the love<3 lol jk if you dont wanna you dont anyway have fun my little chickies emma in the pic

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