Chapter 9: Blackmail

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Chapter 9 (Abby’s POV)

As I saw Derek’s face, I knew I was in deep shit. He swiftly walked over to me and Caleb and forcibly, but gently, pried my fingers off of Caleb’s and pulled me to where I was cradled into his arms.

I inwardly sighed. This was nice, I have to admit that I haven’t felt like this in awhile. Like I was needed.

“Hey Abby, I’ll, uh, just talk to you later tonight. I can see that you’re kind of busy right now.” Caleb said.

Derek gently pushed me behind his back so he could get a better look at Caleb. I almost forgot he was even here. Almost. But as I was pushed out of ‘the scene’ I let out a whimper, partly because I was getting a little frustrated with being pushed aside, and partly because I didn’t want Derek to let go just yet.

“So, are you going to answer my question?! Who.Are.You.?” Oh Derek, well-he’s an ex-Alpha and if you pick a fight with him, he will probably kick your ass! I should have interrupted and said exactly that, but instead, I kept quiet.

“Um, Caleb?”

“Okay, Caleb, what were you doing getting so close to my girlfriend? Huh pretty boy?” God, would it kill him to say ex-girlfriend?! Ex!!

“Walking her to the door? And I wasn’t getting close.” His tone was light and I could tell that Derek could see the truth behind his words. So he backed off a little, which was basically none.

“Hey, Derek, he’s cool. He’s new and doesn’t know anything.” I said this in a light, soothing tone, while grabbing his hand in mine and gently rubbing circles into it with my thumb. This was my way of calming him down and it worked.

He  backed off immediately, while another pack member came and took away Caleb to show him to a room.

After Caleb was gone, Derek  turned around swiftly and gently, brought me back into his arms. I guess he like the feeling of us being close.

‘Of course he does you retard! It’s quite obvious he cares deeply for us!’ My wolf said in a ‘duh’ tone. He sighed in contentment I guess just enjoying the moment.

Finally he interrupted our peace by saying, “We need to talk.”

“Okay” My voice was quiet and didn’t sound so strong as I replied to him. I’m not exactly looking forward to us ‘talking’.

“Let’s go to the garden, it’s a nice day and the sun’s stating to set so everything will look like it’s on fire.” I know he loves the garden, we used to go there a lot when he was frustrated or upset so he could talk to me in private about what happened.

I just nodded my head in agreement. I didn’t really feel like talking because I was busy trying to prepare myself for the worst.

He sighed again. I wonder why he keeps doing that…?  As we started walking towards the backdoor that leads to the garden, he grabbed my hand and intertwined my fingers with his. He was making me feel a little uncomfortable, and I guess he could tell because he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. I was still a little over the edge because of the scenarios that were running through my head.

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