Chapter Four:Meet Coach

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Chapter 4 (Emma’s POV)

“Whoa man, what the hell just happened” man I was totally lost, I only got up to support Abbs, but now, I was about to kick some Derek ass. I don’t even care if there were three football players standing in my way, one of them being my boyfriend too.

“What the hell do you think just happened?! Derek got tired of Abby and just decided to move on the easy way-have sex with another girl.” Oh wow, that was Elijah, very cold to me around his friends but alone together, he was fine. Oh yeah, he’s the lucky one, that’s my boyfriend.

“OH MY GOD! WHO’S THE BITCH! I WILL SO KICK HER ASS RIGHT NOW!” I was so furious now and Abby looked as hard a rock, but inside I knew she was crushed. I’m pretty sure she loved him. I even thought they could be mates. But I guess he was just another douche.

“Derek we’re over if you didn’t already get that by the way I’ve been glaring for the past five minutes. Let’s go Em.” Poor baby. Her voice was low and threatening, some of her alpha-ness leaking into her statement, daring him to say otherwise.

“Oh yeah, Elijah we’re over too, sorry babe.” Yeah, he was awesome, but I had to cut all ties from Derek, for Abby’s sake anyways. Right before I turned around though, I saw the slightest emotion cross his eyes. Looks like regret mixed with…love? I wouldn’t know what that looked like since my parents died when I was 3 fighting for the pack, but I’m pretty sure that’s how Abby’s parents look at each other.

Oh well.

                         (End of flashback)

(Emma's POV)

I secretly wish that Derek would just grow some balls and take Abby back. I’m pretty sure that everybody see’s the way he looks at Abby, everybody except her.

“Come on Abbs, he’s not worth your pity party. Even if you wish he was, he’s not babe.” Damn, I’m so good at sounding cold.

“Your right Em, let’s just got to class.” Damn, my poor baby just sounds so dejected, like life’s not worth living anymore. I need to take her out tonight, or come hang out at her house and have a girl’s night. Hey, we could even invite that Kaitlyn girl. BRIIIINNNGGG! Shit! That scared me soo bad. Well looks like it’s time for second period, man I really need to stop zoning out in Mr. Finkes class but hey, it’s just drama class, who cares.

                            (Abby’s POV)

BRRRIIINNNGGG! God, finally! I hate every class I have, and only because Derek’s in them too. God he’s such a pain in my ass, can’t he just move or something? Or change his schedule? Even though I have to see him 4 times a week at the pack house, it didn’t mean I had to suffer with him at school too. I just want this day to end; actually I’m kind of looking forward to lunch because of our meeting.

Maybe I could get out and go for a run behind the school in the woods. Thank god my pack’s located in a remote area. Yeah, makes it really hard for surprise attacks from other packs since we know our land so well. Kudos to you, dad. Kudos to you.

                                              (Derek’s POV)

                                    (Flashback of this morning)

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