Cahpter 10: Responsibilities piled a mile-high

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Chapter 10 (Abby’s POV)

I swear I’m about to shit my pants sitting in his office right now. His intense gaze is not only that of a no-nonsense alpha, but also a concerned father.

“Abby have you figured out why I have summoned you here yet?” Oh, that’s what he was waiting for….

“No sir.” I replied curtly.

“You are here because it is becoming high time for you to not only take the Alpha position, but to also claim a mate as yours to rule by your side while you lead the pack.” Oh, greaaaat. Note the obvious sarcasm of course.

“You have been training for this moment for your entire life. Gaining the experience and learning from the mistakes, I believe you have all the required skills to relieve me of the position that has been passed down through our family for countless centuries.”

“Dad, I-“ I started to interrupt him but he silenced me by continuing.

“Abby, you are ready to become Alpha of the Redwood pack.” His tone was leaving me with no argument, just acceptance of the situation.

“Yes sir, of course.”

“Good. We will perform the ceremony in approximately one week. You have this time span to find, and claim the mate of your choice. Do you understand?” Do I? Of course. Am I willing? There is no other choice. Am I physically prepared? Fuck yeah. Am I mentally capable to take on the task that has been passed down through generations in my family and rule the Redwood pack? Hell. No.

But of course I can’t tell him that. So instead, I put on my big girl panties and a courageous exoskeleton, and fake it ‘till I make it.

“Yes sir.”

“You are dismissed now.” I get up calmly and walk out of the room as casually as I can. Once I’ve closed the door gently behind me, I don’t let out the breath I’ve been holding, because I know he can still hear every beat of my heart through the wall that separates us. So I stroll down the hallway and into the kitchen, through the backdoor, and out to the small playground in the backyard.

I sigh as the whole conversation comes floating back to me as I lightly swing back and forth.

I have one week to find a mate, claim him, and mark him as mine. I have one week introduce said mate to the pack, and the rest of the werewolf community. I have one week to break all the news to the pack about the upcoming ceremony, plan all the required parties and events that involves it, and tell my friends. I have got exactly one week to mentally prepare myself for all of this and what new responsibilities the Alpha position will bring to me.

“How the hell am I going to do this?!” I scream at the top of my lungs. But no one will hear since its practically storming and they’re all inside right now.

“Don’t worry Abby, you’ll figure it out soon.” I whip around at the sound of someone else out here with me, I do a complete 360 and still can’t see him.

“You’ll know very soon, in fact maybe in a few hours I’d say.” His smooth deep voice came once again, I’m still looking and just as I spot just the slightest fracture in the trees before me, a dart lands in the back of my neck. Shutting my brain down almost instantaneously, having me collapse to the ground, only to have the mysterious man pick me up and carry me to his awaiting blacked-out 2012 Escalade.

“Sweet ride.” Is all I get out before everything goes black.

Whaaaaattttt?! Who is this mysterious man ‘kidnapping’ our future alpha?! To be honest-I have got no fucking clue-but that’s beside the point, hope you enjoyed it and hopefully the next upload will be soon!!!XD

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