Chapter 11: Mystery Man

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Chapter 11 (Abby’s POV)

I woke up feeling groggy with a killer migraine. I sat up in the comfortable bed that I was lying in. Taking in my surroundings, a master bedroom came into my view. With a color scheme of black and varied hues of blue, the room consisted of the king-sized canopy bed she was currently on, a flat screen hanging on the wall directly in front of the bed, multiple doors that lead her guessing were the bathroom, closet, and exit. But two sliding glass doors to her right caught her attention, a balcony? She couldn’t help but rise to investigate. Stepping out, her suspicion was confirmed as she stepped onto the landing that overlooked, what she assumed as, the backyard. Emerald green grass accompanied by rolling hills graced her vision. Along with that, fascinating wild flowers grew in brilliant colors creating a picture perfect moment as the wind gently blew swaying everything in its path.

“It’s beautiful.” She whispered to herself, breathless from the sight in front of her.

“I like to think so.” His warm breath caressed her neck, accompanied by his deep, melodious, British accented, voice. I felt his arms move to wrap around my waist and quickly grabbed his arm to flip him over my shoulder. Unsuspecting, I flipped the mystery man over with ease, and straddled him, my arm pressuring his neck in such a way that he was quickly loosing air. I reach around to the side of one of my quadriceps to grab one of my concealed daggers. But when my hand brushed only skin, I knew something was wrong. Only then I remembered what happened the night before and realized the predicament I was in.

“Who the hell are you and why did you kidnap me?!” I yelled completely outraged with the mess I was currently caught up in. He smirked and it only pissed me off more. I slowly pushed my arm down tighter to where he could no longer breathe. This got a reaction from him, but it wasn’t the one I wanted.

He reached up, grabbed me by the waist and flipped us to where I was now being straddled by him. He thrust my arms above my head and stopped my struggling with a promising look that if Idid not, harm would surely bestow itself upon me. Finally beat, I lied back and got a good look at my newfound enemy. In casual wear, or so I assumed, he was dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a sky blue polo with darker horizontal stripes. A pair of Aviators sat atop his head, a head that contained model worthy, short brown hair with natural sun streaks popping out. With a flawless complexion, gorgeous hair, and striking hazel eyes I suspected right away this man is definitely the ‘bad guy.’

“Darling, I did not kidnap you; I saved you from the hellhole that you called home.” He sighed, and before I could blink he had stood up with me in his arms. My legs automatically tightened around his waist, as did my arms around his neck; he was not going to drop me. He sighed in what sounded like contentment and walked us back into the room. He then sat down on the bed, linking his arms around my back to keep me in place. This was not cool. Just when my uneasiness was about to explode he spoke.

“I understand that you’re confused love, and I will explain things in due time, but for now I need you to freshen up. Take a shower, there are clothes in the closet for you and by the time you’re finished if I’m not back, I will have someone escort you to me.” He then proceeded to kiss her temple, released her, and walked out of the room. My mouth was open in an ‘o’ shape. I was astounded by his actions, how he dare touch me so intimately like that! I harrumphed and walked to one of the two doors he did not walk out of.

The first door I opened was the bathroom. I left the door opened and walked to the other, in search of clothes. Shuffling through them, I realized that everything was in my size, even down to my undergarments. What the hell? Okay, mystery man is now creepy-stalker man, great. Thinking to herself she pulled some things out and walked into the bathroom. Once I entered, on the counter sat a pink loofa still packaged. Grateful I turned the water on and undressed. Only after entering the scalding liquid did I notice that only guy body wash, shampoo, and conditioner sat inside. ‘Another surprise for me, I get to smell like the stalker, awesome.’ her sarcasm dripped from every word in her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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