Chapter Eight- Forgiveness?

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Chapter 8 (Derek’s POV)

I watched as she ran from me to go do her suddenly important business. It makes me so mad that she just runs from me every time I’m even near her!

‘What the hell was that?!’ Great now my wolf was pissed.

‘You didn’t even try that hard to get her back! Go after her! Now!’ He screamed at me.

‘I’m trying damn well hard enough! And I will, but it looks like coach needs me to stay after practice still.’

‘Whatever, just get her back, we need her close.’ And my wolf was right, we did need her close.

=============== *

After coach and I talked about the freshman and JV teams, I had headed home and took my shower. Now I was running all over the pack house trying to find Abby.

“Arggghhh! Where is she?!” I bellowed.

“Dude, ‘where’s’ who?” Great Eli! Just great! Duh, the only freakin’ person I’d want to be seeing!

“Abby! Abby you fucktard! Where is she?!” I screamed her name once more, if she’s anywhere near, she will have heard.

“Chill out bro, she went on the patrol just an hour ago. She and the patrol should be back soon.” Oh, I totally forgot about the patrol.

“Oh.” Was all I could muster up, with my thoughts of her, in any kind of dangerous scenario, playing over and over around my head.

“Yeah, I understand. Now chill and wait outside or something.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Sorry I flipped on you man.” All the anger was now drained from my body as I was now looking forward to seeing and talking to Abby again. And my wolf agreed with me.

“It’s cool. Now go wait for you damsel.” He chuckled lightly, and gave me a little push in the direction of the front door. But before I could open it, some strange guy opened it instead.

Holding onto Abby’s hand.

Their fingers interlocked.

Oh hell, no!

My wolf was outraged and even came out a little when I screamed at the guy.

“Who the hell are you?! And what are you doing with my girlfriend?!”I walked up to them and gently pried Abby’s fingers from his nasty hands and securely cradled her in my arms.

She squirmed at first, but then gave in after I said, “Shhhhh, it’s okay, I’ve got you now. I’ve got you.” And after I said that kissed the top of her head. She stayed cradled against my chest for about a minute until the new bastard spoke up.

“Hey Abby, I’ll, uh, just talk to you later tonight. I can see that you’re kind of busy right now.” Oh yeah. Time to pull out a big can of whoop-ass.

I lightly shoved Abby behind my back and I could tell that she was reluctant to leave my arms. Score! I was even reluctant to have her leave my arms, but things needed to be done.

“So, are you going to answer my question?! Who.Are.You.?” I said it really slowly so he could comprehend, he looked kind of slow to me.

“Um, Caleb?”

“Okay, Caleb, what were you doing getting so close to my girlfriend? Huh pretty boy?” I’ve got his ass cornered now.

“Walking her to the door? And I wasn’t getting close.” His tone was light and made me lose some of my anger because he really was telling the truth .But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to beat the shit out of him for touching Abby.

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