chapter 14: facing darkness

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Well i finally made it. I ran into mike "so you finally made it. The end of your journey is at hand. In a few minuets, you will meet the boss. Together.... You will determine the future of this world. That's then.... Now. You will be judged. Heh who am i kidding you haven't hurt anyone go kid were counting on ya" he watched me walk off. I walked into the thrown room running into the boss. "Oh? Is someone there?" he turned around. " just a moment! I'm almost finished here" the room was filled with purple flowers. He turned around "howdy! How can i ..... Oh. You know what you must do I'll be in the next room come when your ready" he walked to the other room. I followed after investigation my surroundings. "This is the barrier. This is what keeps us all underground. If by chance you have some unfinished business please do what you must." he began to fight. I attacked until he gave up "ah.... So thats how it is. I remember the day my son died. The entire underworld was devoid of hope. The future had once again bern taken by the humans." then something killed him the only thing i could say was "flowey...." he laughed "you idiot. You haven't learned a thing. In this world.... It's kill or be killed!"

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