Christena : fb

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"Oh hi" mum says. "Have a good day?" She says. I had just been for a hiking trip."yeah,I felt like I was being followed though" I say. As I enter our house and grab a coca cola."hmmm....strange,so did I,when I was swimming" mum says."really?" "Yeah" "where is tim" I ask. "In his room." I nod. I go up our wooden stairs to my brothers room."hey,how was your day with your friends?" I ask. Tim is playing his PlayStation."uh,yeah,we ignored the Frenchs." He says."ha,surveys them right!" I say. The Frenchs had bullied Tim last year on his 6th birthday. I walk out of his room and into mine. I flop onto my bed. I pick up my phone and text timothy, my best friend asking when our next performance will be. "Next Tuesday at Central Park." She texts back."cool,let Marlina know." I text back. I go on my Facebook and notice a new person contacted me. "Hi,Christina enjoy your walk you energetic little brat?" I text back saying."who are you?" He messages my phone saying."someone you will see a lot of in the next week" the stranger texts back.

I block his number and get off my Facebook. I go outside onto my trampoline. Pretty good day for the 17 of October 2010. It's warm but not hot. dad is having a barbecue tonight so I get off and help him set the table. Today has been Enoying though. But I got through it ok. Tim comes out holding the phone in his hand. "For you" he says. I nod and pick it up. "Hello?" "Oh, hi Christina, enjoy your trampoline.?" Says the strange voice. "Huh" I turn around finding that my trampoline has a huge butchers knife sticking into the centre of it. "We're are you".i say. "Nether you mind. Now you are now my guinea pig. Tell anyone and I will kill tim In front of your mum." The man says. "K,what's your name" I ask.

"You will call me lion and your my zebra" he says. "Ok,now this is dumb leave me alone you creep" I say. I hang up the phone and go back inside. I place it on its hook. I decide not to tell mum or dad about it because this might not be a joke. I turn around to find a small piece of paper lying on the floor. I pick it up and read it. "This is not a joke my zebra. Your first task is to steel me a baseball bat. If you don't succeed you will face the claw. " I scrunch up the note and place it in my jeans pocket. If this is real I don't want to think about it.

I walk outside and into the front yard. Someone grabs me by the arm while I was texting . I turn my head to the left were a hand grasps onto me tightly. "You better do this. I'm almost out of bullets. I have 4 left. One for you then the rest of your pathetic family. Your dead line is Thursday " says the 'lion'. I nod quietly. "If you tell anybody I will not hesitate to kill you and your family and friends. Don't forget I can buy more bullets." I look at him strait in the eye. His blond hair is messy and he has a scar across his left -hand blue eye. He has 1 hand tucked in his pocket. Holding an object that looks like a gun. "Where do I give the bat to. You?" I decide to go through with it. Because I don't want to die. This is now serious. "Central parks fountain. " he says deeply. "I will give it to you Tuesday, morning around 7." I say my voice shaking. "Yes you will and don't you forget it." He says deeply. I nod and he lets go of my arm and puts his hood on and then he jumps the fence.


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