They just do not stop. 9

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I sneak out of the hotel and make my way to a park. I start busking once I am there because I need more money. Not slot of people are around. I make about 15 dollars and then pack up. I look across the street a small cafe sits alone scrounged by pubs,public toilets and other shops like hairdressers and clothes shops. I make my way into the cafe. A man greets me. "Well hello,take your seat and we will be with you in 1 moment" the waiter says. I nod to him and sit down in a single table. I sit my bag down at my feet and pick up the menu. I decide that I will get a toasted sandwich and a bottle of coca cola. The waiter comes over and I order. I think I am actually safe here. My phone buzzes and I glance down at it. "Crystal please come home,we miss you I didn't want to make you me😐" it's from Brayden. I shake my head and text back "sorry but no.just forget you even met me." Then I turn off my phone and wait for my breakfast to come. I put on my cap and wait quietly.

The waiter comes with my food and I nod. I finish it quickly and pay for it. I relax for just one moment. Then.......

Bang bang bang grass breaks and a man steps in. "Well hello Christina well we. Wouldn't want to over these people would we" says jim. Everyone goes to the ground covering there heads and sobbing. "G...get away from murderer" I yell as I back up with my bag. I run as fast as I can into the girls cubicle. I lock the door and pull out my gun. I open the door to find him standing there. I quickly duck as he fires and I fire at his chest. He doges it and it hits the wall. I reload and fire again. It hits him in the waist. He yells "FUCK" and fires at me.

The bullet hits my thigh and I drop to the ground. I fire at him twice. 1 hits his arm that he is using to fire with and the other misses. He yelps as he falls to the ground. I fire at him again and it hits his left hand leg. He drops to the ground and shoots,me in the waist and the shoulder. I fire at him once more and it hits him in the stomach. " ....not going ....down without ....a fight." I say to him. He fires again and it hits me in my left arm. I yelp as I lay flat on the floor. "FREEZE,PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD." Two police men burst through the door. I gasp for air as the police force jim to do what they said. "Call an ambulance mat" says one of the officers. The officer nods and calls 911. I slide the gun to an officer he nods at me respectfully and then I fall unconscious.

As I fade in and out of consciousness I see people rushing around here sirens
My thigh,waist ,shoulder,arm sting painfully.

I wake up in the back of an ambulance. A paramedic sits next to me. "Hello,how are you feeling?" She asks me. "To be honest not so good." I say. "Well,that jim is gone behind bars so you won't have to worry about him." She says warmly. "I...i...didn't.....I didn't want to..shoot....I am...not a bad person " I sob. "Hey it's ok,we got the report from the shop keeper. That was self defence. That guy in a criminal." She says. "A murderer" I say. "Oh,we didn't get any reports about that" she says. "He....he friends." I say. Crying. "Uh,he is worst then we you mind if I call the police to let them know?" She asks. "Shore.....but I....he forced me.... He forced me to steel,betray people and there's more out there" I say. "Are you still in danger?" She asks calmly. "Yes,two others......but the last person I talked to about this was killed" I say.

"Well,who are these others?" She asks. "One goes by the name lion and the other likes to be called the best "terrorist"." I pain stabs through me. I groan and lay back down. "Take it easy" she says. I fall unconscious and I se ever get up quickly.


I wake up in a room full of doctors. "Sorry,your going into operation" one says. "Already " I groan. "Yes,or you will die" he says. They plug in a machine and then 1 sticks a needle into my one good shoulder. They get all sorts of tools ready. The heart sensor starts beeping quickly. And the doctors says something like "we're gunna loose her.!!!" And the needle kicks in so I fall asleep.

"Oh my god we thought we would loose you!" Carly my friend said smiling down on me when I wake up. "Carl's? But....jim.....he......he" I say. "He didn't kill me,he just shot me." She says. "Oh?" I say as I am about to get up. "No,you need to rest." She says. "Eh no thanks I need to get out of here" I say. She looks behind her."sorry,mate you are not going anywhere the doctor is here to speak with you" she pats my good shoulder,stands up and walks out of the tiny room that I lay in."well hello,good to see your awake" says a men's voice. "In,you the doctor?" I ask. "Yes,I need to Inform you on your condition." He says, I nod silently. "Ok,so your waist and shoulder bullets went quite deep. Your waist one narrowly missed your bone while your shoulder bone was chipped.

It will take a month for your waist to heel and 1 month and a half as well as several operations for your shoulder to be good again. Your thigh bullet was just below the surface of your slim - easy to retrieve. Oh and your arm was slightly deeper then that. Altogether that will take 2 months until you may be able to be 'as good as new'"
He says. I nod taking in the information he said. "Eh,do you want any family you would like to talk to?" The doctor asks. I look up at him tears welling int my eyes. "No none left" I say. The doctor nods knowingly and then says. "Sorry about your bag,it's covered in dry blood but it probably didn't go inside," I nod as he hands me my backpack. I open it. I guess they didn't look inside,good thing too. My two left over guns lay safely tucked away at the bottom of my bag.

I pick up my phone and notice I have 15 text messages from Brayden.

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