Things get Serious : fb2

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I don't want to get the bat. I want to be home playing with my brother. Not sneaking into this shop to steel. I don't want to be a criminal. But no, of course not. I sneak through the closed  shop door  but it is open because they forgot to lock it. I go to the sports section and grab a red baseball bat. I leave a note on the counter saying : here is my phone number,call me and I will pay the money back,sorry for this. I leave through the back door and head towards Central Park.

I put the baseball in my plastic bag and keep walking to the park. I have my trumpet  in one hand and my bag in the other. My back pocket features a pocket knife and some matches. When I reach the fountain I place the bag on the bench,glance around and slowly back away. This is strange, he is supposed to be here,I'm twenty minutes early. When I go to turn around something grabs my arm and leads me away. A sack or something is thrown over my eyes so I can't see. Someone picks me up and I try to scream but a big strong hand cuffs my mouth. I try kicking but ropes are soon tied around them. I feel myself being thrown into something. The bag is removed from my head and I notice that a boot slams shut. Oh shit!. I try to move but my hands are tied behind my back.

The little boot light provides enough light for me to see that my trumpet is laying next to me. I can feel my back pocket. Then I remember the pocket knife. I wriggle my right hand. I manage to free it a little and reach into my back pocket. I feel the end of the pocket knife and grab it. I rub the blade against the ropes. I'm free in about ten minutes. The car stops and a bright light is revealed and I try to adjust to it.

A man who has black hair and brown eyes pulls me to my knees on the floor. As I hit the floor I feel the concrete through my jeans. I look up,at the guy,my eyes adjusted. "Welcome to your worst nightmare Christina,you better watch out" he says evil in his eyes. "WHO ARE YOU?" I ask. "I'm jim. But as far as you are concerned you don't know." Gees two people in one week this is stupid.

"Why did you take me here?" I ask. "Your going to tell me everything you know about you brother." My brother. "Well,he is enthusiastic young gamer. He loves our dog,Bella and plays football at the local club" I look at him. Truth in my eyes. "Well,is that all you know,are you certain?" I look down at my fingers then back up again."yeah,he also likes hanging with the neighbours." I say, "well I think you should be more careful." He says, "can I please go now I don't know,what the point of this is." I say. "One more thing. YOU WILL NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT OUR LITTLE CHAT,IF YOU DO I WILL HAVE YOUR FAMILY HANGED ON LIVE TV,I AM TELLING YOU STUPID GIRL YOU CANT TELL A SINGLE WORD.,YOU WILL SAY YOU WENT TO A SHOP AND GOT STRANDED,UNDERSTOOD?" He says. "Uh,yeah sure" he steps aside and I get up. "Where am I " I ask. He doesn't respond. I go out an orange door. When I step outside  the door slams. I look down. A huge canyon stands below. A gust of wind blows hard up my back and I stumble falling forwards. I am millimetres away from  the edge. I shuffle back but a foot stops me. "GOODBYE " is all I here as I am stood up and pushed harshly. I try to grab at a tree branch but just get a handful of leafs. Huge rushing water flows below.

Then a Miracle happens........

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