an early visit. 12 fb.

9 1 0

Warning: rude language be ware.
I take the bus to the hospital. "So,you visiting someone?" Asks the man who gets off with me at the hospital.
"Uh,yeah I am,are you?" I say tucking the gun a little deeper in the back of my pocket.
"No,this is next to my house" he says.
I nod and approach the hospital."uh,where is mark cunning.he is my father" I ask. "Room 23" she says. I nod. When I reach his room I slip a note under his door. Then i go back out. I need to finish this.
Then I here a loud gunshot and turn back quickly. The man who likes to be called rushes out of dads room. His gun still having the little bit of smoke left.

"What,no NO YOU DIDNT" I say.

"Yes I did zebra" he smiles wickedly.
"Why" I say in tears.
"To make you pay." He says.
"For what" I ask
"Not dying when you should" he replies
"You killed him,if you wanted me to die you had plenty of opportunities you evil peace of shit" I say angrily.
"Well you got what I think you deserve." He smiles.
"Your just a coward you piece of fucking shit." I yell before pulling out my gun quickly. I fire at him it hits his leg and pistol holding arm. I fire again. It hits his stomach and waist. He drops to the ground and I leave him there. I give him my gun to hide evidence. Then I rush down the hallway and out the doors. I jump the fence and rush out. I find his motorbike. I get on it and drive it off track. Tears welling in my eyes. I see the little stream and park it there.

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