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I dial his number quickly. He picks up strait away. Ridicule Brayden. "Crystal?  Is That you?" I recognise his soothing   voice. "Uh, yeah listen I don't know what to do at the moment. But promise me you will help me on what to do." I say quickly. "Ok,but on 1 condition..." He starts. Oh great. "You have to fill us in on what is going on, you know that we miss you so much." he says. I think for a minute. I need this to work so I say." yes ok I will, meet me at the cinemas  in 2 hours and don't forget,Bring me a spare car,or motorbike.". "But...." I cut him off. "Just be there." I hang up the phone and head out the hospital door. They done a good job since I can walk almost normally. I leave them a note saying thanks and walk to the nearby shop. "Hello how can I help you?" Says the young boy at the counter. "Just a water thanks," I say to him,handing him the money. He passes me a bottle and I thank him. I put the bottle in my bag and go up to a stranger to find directions.

I ask for directions to a common  taxi station and find one strait away. "Um excuse me, can you take me to the cinema of bowling vile?" I ask the driver cautiously through his window. "Uh,yes but it will cost you fifty dollars" he says. I nod and hand him the money. I get in the back seat and smile great fully as he drives towards the cinema.


I thank the driver and get out at the cinema. I check the time and sit down at the bus shelter bench.  It will not be long until the others get here. I check my phone. Three text messages from Brayden. "Gee calm down you don't have to text me every second of the day" I text back. I can here footsteps approaching me quickly. They are big steps so I know exactly who they belong to. I get up quickly and face the terrorist. "Gee, you don't have to follow me everywhere do you?" I say. "Oh,not to  worry I bought friends." He says evilly. He bacons quickly and jim and the lion approach behind them. Jim has orange prison clothes on and has a number of bandages covering him.   They all Cary pistols or a shotgun.They were right  that he was behind bars(He WAS). I think they must of broke him out  of prison as his cuffs are sliced in two.   His hair is messy and overgrown.He looks  really awful.  That just makes him look stupider.  I almost want to laugh but then  I realise that I  I can't look much worst though. I pull out my pistol and shoot at jim first. I hit him in one of his wounded and he drops quickly. I shoot him in his waist and stomach. Lion and terrorist fire at me. I dive behind the bus shelter and fire at the terrorist. He doges my bullet and it hits lion.stupid man. I fire twice. One hits the wall and the other hits the terrorists leg. He yelps in pain. lion fires but it refuses to come out and the gun is about to blow. He chucks it towards me and I kick it back just in time. I fire at jim. It hits his leg and he drops to the ground. One down.i duck behind the shed as terrorist and lion fire.

"Is that all you got?" I yell at them. I duck out of behind the shed and the terrorist fires and hits me in my left leg. I yelp quickly.  Guess not. I fire at his legs and he falls. I run behind the cinemas and see there bikes. I jump on 1 and turn it on. I drive it towards them. I jump off as it drives strait into them. They duck out of the way and I fire again. They miss them. I fire again but I have no bullets left.  I limp run quickly onto the streets. I look up the rode. And to my relief two familiar vehicles  come. They speed up a bit once they see me. I gunshot hits me in the leg and I fall to the ground. This is probably not a good site for Brayden and the others. Brayden stops the car just past me and jumps out. The lion fires and it hits me in the shoulder. "Crystal!" He says as he runs up to me. "Run!" I whisper in pain. He sees the three men reloading there guns. He pulls something out of his pocket and tosses it at them. A bomb?. It releases a gas that makes the others drop. "It will not last long, we need to get her to safety?" Brayden yells. I feel  a bullet hit just below my arm pit. I yelp in pain.

Brayden spins around quickly he is one the phone. "Hurry,she is still been fired at" he says into it. I gets into the ford and drives it to the left of me. Blocking them temporary. "Both the police and the ambulance are on there way they will be here in 5 minutes." He says. I try to nod but everything hurts.i series of gun shots are fired and everyone has to duck. 1 goes through the cars windows and hits me in my arm again. It looks like they Re out of bullets. Yes. But then the terrorist Neels behind the car and carry a pole. He starts to hit me with it. I lay there helplessly as Brayden try's to stop him by throwing stones at him. He stops for a second then keeps going. He hits me in the chest. The stomach. I here sirens approaching fast and he kicks me in the face. I get a bleeding nose. The police officers get out of their cars and start firing at the others. They are restricted in seconds and then an officer approaches the terrorist. "STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL WITH YOUR HANDS UP" he hits me on my head with that big, heavy mettle pole,knocking me out instantly.

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