Chain Chronicle

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Chain Chronicle..... I love it. Well, I used to. Unfortunately the Global version (English version) closed down this February. It's only available in Japanese in the Japanese App Store so if any of you are interested in the game you'll have to know Japanese to a certain degree. Anyways, on to the recommendation!

Chain Chronicle is a very fun RPG Tower Defence game. Like every typical RPG storyline, the Darkness Army is invading! Yadiyadiya, and you have to stop them as the destined one. Honestly the storyline is not very unique, the gameplay is what makes it interesting. The darkness army will send darkness soldiers; *cough* chibi skeletons *cough*. Your side of the field involves 9 grids in which your Arcana (chibi characters) can be positioned.

Refer to the picture above for the below information (that was the last event I participated in before the game closed down)

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Refer to the picture above for the below information (that was the last event I participated in before the game closed down)

There are primarily 3 kinds of Arcana; melee, ranged and support (there are more specific types but they're only important in terms of spirit orb usage and are not important right now). Melee either goes to the skeleton (manually or if you turn auto-attack on) or attacks the skeleton when it reaches its position. Ranged Arcana attack any skeletons walking on the row it's on, and it's always recommended for it to be positioned on the very last row (because ranged Arcana, duh!). You can see how it works by looking at the picture. A red skeleton is coming and Nina (the chibi with the eyepatch) is preparing to shoot it. The final one, support has 2 variations. They either sing/dance or they heal. The people who sing/dance can raise the attack or speed of some arcana, and the healers......heal. Yeah... The healers heal. Onto the pros and cons!

Pros: has a fantastic gameplay system and great character designs. Can you not see how cute the chibi is? Also did I mention they actually have voice actors? Each arcana, minor side character or the main heroine has a voice actor which they use when you use their special attack or you can get them to say it in their profile. Here's some screenshots I took earlier this year on some character profile.

 Here's some screenshots I took earlier this year on some character profile

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Cons: the storyline is nothing special, even cliche

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Cons: the storyline is nothing special, even cliche. Darkness army invades the world you are the destined hero so you must save it on your way you find a cute sprite and a beautiful girl who fainted and lost her memory. Also don't read this sentence if you don't want spoilers but the cute girl who lost her memory is actually the daughter of the demon king. Although it's really not a major spoiler considering its revealed in the first chapter..........

Overall Chain Chronicle's storyline might be a bit too cliche for you, but it's gameplay is top-notch. If you're interested and don't know Japanese, then we can be the fans of Chain Chronicle who can't speak or read Japanese together! 


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