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"Uh why does this sound like something related to Clash of Clans?"

Because it's basically Clash of Clans with better gameplay, graphics and educational potential. You see, DomiNations is a lot better than Clash of Clans for a variety of reasons.

 1. It's loosely based on history, which means you'll probably learn some historic facts while playing this game. So the next time your parents go "Why are you playing games? Do your homework or read books!" You can say "mum, im studying history" because you are; you're just playing Clash of clans while doing so.

2. The graphics are very detailed. I can zoom in on a hunting deer and expect to see fine detail down to the pixel. Also once you choose a nation your buildings change according to the nation too. Sadly all Asian nations have the exact same design so I'm always staring at the same buildings no matter which account I'm on, bit it's better than how all players have the same buildings on Clash of Clans right? I mean if I challenge an European nation they'd have a different design than my town.

3. The nations. You get to choose a nation which is a choice between Korea, Japan, China, England, France, Rome (the Roman Empire), Germany or Greek. Each nation gives you an unique buff, once again based on the history of the country. England gets 15% more loot, probably due to the fact that they attacked a lot of countries in history. Japan was known for maintaining peace for a long time in history (I read this somewhere so don't think I'm a pro in history or something) so they have increased defences. The Greeks were known for their technological development in history so they got a economical advantage. It goes on and on but all of the nations are unique (apart from the Asian building designs since for some reason they're always the same)


Pros: the three points I listed above. Btw another thing is don't try multiplayer immediately; believe me, this isn't Clash of Clans. You're gonna be squashed and frequently attacked for resources if you enter at the Iron Age. My iPad is on Classical advancing onto Medieval soon and I still haven't attacked. I guess I'm not the kind of person who likes attacking but- just don't attack until at least the Medieval/Gunpowder Age, you'll see why right now.

Cons: the only thing that's inferior to Clash of Clans, and probably why this isn't that popular: THE MATCHMAKING SUCKS. Seriously, just try to enter multiplayer at Iron Age; they'll somehow end up pairing you with someone in the Enlightment Age (someone who is like 5 ages ahead of you). And of course, the hackers. Even if you're in the Enlightment Age the matchmaking is still terrible because they either make you battle an opponent that is impossible to beat or.... They pair you up with hackers. These are people who somehow have oil even though they're in the Classical/Medieval Age which is impossible. Then somehow they'll end up with even better defences than you, which is utterly ridiculous. 

Anyways, rant over. This is a superior Clash of Clans, excluding the matchmaking. If you count the matchmaking then ok Clash of Clans is a little better but BMG/NEXON/whoever the developer is will fix it sooner or later.

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