Toram Online

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Toram Online is a game that is similar to Iruna Online which I love except

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Toram Online is a game that is similar to Iruna Online which I love except

"Toram is way better. Playing Iruna makes my head hurt. Its so boring. You get so much experience just by talking with NPCs. In Toram I can actually see boss attacks and its art style is way better than Iruna. Toram even has arrows to lead you to the main quests! Iruna? They show a tiny blue or red dot on a miniature map."- my friend from school, who loves Toram and obviously hates Iruna.

Toram Online is pretty much a sequel to Iruna, except there is no class system in Toram, which kinda gets on my nerves whenever I play it. You can basically equip any item and be ready to go. Its a lot better than trying to specifically get a claw or a throwing weapon in Iruna right? Well, the bad news is that there are no weapons out in the wild. At least I have not seen a monster that actually dropped a weapon in my 3 hours of gameplay. I have to admit that the graphics are top-notch and the gameplay is a lot more smooth than Iruna. I just hate that my character makes a gigantic leap every 5 metres though.... its not humanly possible. Also you enter a map even if you walk in front of it, which is why I always enter the blacksmith or other shops by accident and end up getting lost in Sofya. Yep, Sofya, the very first city.

Toram ended up helping me on my trip to Saterica in Iruna though, because Karue Reef and a lot of other maps in Toram appear in Iruna as ultra advanced maps. Anyways, on to the pros and cons because its 10:24pm, I havent slept for 3 days and im tired to the point of exhaustion.. dont blame me for bad spelling and grammar

Pros: The gameplay is better, you can see boss attacks so you can now dodge their attacks, and story is pretty good. I loved the prologue

Cons: Your character makes a gigantic leap every 5 metres. Does that happen to everyone or just female characters? Also there is no class system so that means no class advancement or speciak techniques. If you're a mage you get the same things as each other.

im gonna edit the mistakes or whatever tomorrow goodnight

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