Chap 5 pellegrino

386 8 0

Setting: My room

I came back from that extremely unpleasant walk. Bumping into him and the thought of it makes me want to kill myself with the water gun emoji. 🔫

I'm tired but i stand up and check my Jar full o money. I count them all sadly, and notice 200$ have been added to me jar. ;)

I'm screaming.

I didn't want to wake my parents up, It was already 11:00 thanks to my thoughts keeping me up. I was silently squealing my lungs out and jumping up and down quietly. i texted Nicole immediately told her i got 200.

Nicole: Yeah... i put that there. I'm not going

Me: Wtf?! Why?? You did all this hard work to meet them!! Why the hell are you giving up?

Nicole: I i just can't... I don't think i wanna go because of him...

Thats where everything in life paused. everything was silent. Maybe because it was 11:14 now, and my parents fall asleep quickly.

We never spoke of "him" and we didn't try to. We avoided him as much as we can. He ruined everyone, our friendshipm.

Nicole: Have a fun trip at the concert... Tell me everything that happens...

Me: I'm making you go.. No matter what you say. I'm concerned nicole...

Nicole: well you better be concerned....

Author's note:
I can't think of twenty one reasons to not love nicole :') it would be UNLIT

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