Chapter 26 -- Vex

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Unfortunately, Maman and Dad are out of town.

Jason offers to let me stay at his apartment until they get back, and I gratefully accept. (I didn't think I want to go back to our empty penthouse yet.)

Digit drops me off at Jason's place and goes to school, leaving me alone to rest on the couch for as long as I need to. I sleep until well past noon, waking up around 4:00 PM. Even after that, I lie awake in content silence for perhaps a half hour, until my body says it can't stand being still for much longer.

I sigh and slowly rise to my feet. I head to the bathroom, flick on the light, and stand in front of the mirror. I still look like an almost-stranger to myself.

The first thought that passes through my mind is, "Wow, she looks just like my mother."

The second thought is, "Well, duh. That's how genetics work."

I take in my tangled mess of hair and rumbled, creased t-shirt. A look of weariness seems permanently etched on my face, in the worried tilt of my brow. The girl in the mirror is only a shadow of the girl I used to see only five months ago.

I decide then that I need to grow my hair out. I am not the me that I was back then, not anymore. I'm a different person. A new person.

I stand a little straighter, remembering what Aether told me. I'm a perennial, and I am determined to live up to that title as Aether described it.

I'm broken from my reverie as the apartment door creaks open, and Jason calls in, "I'm home!"

I step out of the bathroom and face him with arms crossed over my chest. "Finally. I was starting to think you were never going to come back."

Jason's apartment is on the small side, even if it has two bedrooms. The living room area is crowded by the couch I was sleeping on earlier and a coffee table buried under coffee mugs, newspapers, bills, and a laptop. Across the room, a love seat is situated partially in front of the sliding glass doors that lead out onto the balcony/fire escape area.

To my right, where Jason just emerged, is a short hall leading to the front door, situated next to a humble kitchenette.

All the furniture and appliances here are grungy and second-hand. Mostly because Dad said Jason needs to earn his own money and learn how to use it wisely before Dad gives him back a monthly allowance. (Which is different from Digit, who is going through some weird grunge phase despite having access to whatever money he needs. Rich kids, am I right?)

"Hope you didn't destroy anything while I was out."

"Why would I?" I dramatically gesture around the room. "You've already done the job yourself."

"Hey, it was this way when I found it." Jason smiles broadly. "It's good to see you again, El."

"You too."

He begins to shrug off his jacket. "I talked to Dad on my way here. They say they won't be back for a few days. Possibly a week. You can stay here until they get back. Digit said he's going to come over for dinner and possibly espionage. He's going to grab pizza on the way. Want him to stop by the penthouse and raid your closet?"

Jason is as to-the-point as ever. I appreciate the efficiency in communication.

"No, I'll do it myself. Tomorrow, maybe." In truth, I don't trust Digit to grab everything I might need.

"Sure." Jason walks up to me and rests his hands on my shoulders. "I mean it. It's good to see you again."

Like me, he has large brown eyes that have a tendency to drink in everything around them. Unlike me, his hair is a shade of brown much closer to black. We have the same round face and upturned nose. Our skin is the same shade of olive.

It's easy to tell that we're related from a quick glance.

Being six years older than me, Jason and I have never been particularly close. When we were growing up, I was more an irritant than a playmate to him. It was only after he moved out that our relationship went from avoiding each other constantly to something more akin to friendship.

"I should tell you everything that happened." I say, easily. "You should sit down."

He releases me and goes over to the love seat, plopping down with an air of finality.

I sit across from him, back on the tattered couch, and begin to explain.

I wasn't very detailed in the car when I spoke to Digit. Now, without the distractions of breakfast, exhaustion, and continuous near-death experiences due to a reckless driver, I take the time to explain Aether and Eclipse, Sueña and my escape, and Valor and Nexus fully.

Jason listens carefully, leaning forward, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands in a steeple position.

When I'm finished, he says nothing. He just pulls out his phone and starts texting.


"I'm asking Digit to pick up some extra supplies," he explains. "We're going to need them. Now, tell me more about Nexus. You said it was founded because of the circumstances related to Uncle Archie's death?"

I nod. "Did you know about them? Nexus, I mean. Because I can remember the night Mom, Dad, and Virginie came home with... well, what was left of him, but you were older than me, so... you might remember more?"

He considers this a moment. "I've heard of them. It sounds like they want to replace DSHA. They think that supes should take care of supes."

I nod. "That sounds like what they told me. Do you think they're dangerous?"

He shrugs. "Who isn't? But if you're asking if I think they have malicious intent, the answer is no. I think they have good intentions. They're definitely not the worst organization you could have allied yourself with."

I snort. "That's a relief. I'm glad they meet your approval."

His lips quirk at my sarcasm. "For now, at least."

He stands. "I think you've done all you could, which is all I expect from you. I'm proud. Now, I'd like to shower. Think you can handle being by yourself for that long?"

I roll my eyes. "No. If you leave my sight I might go on rampage."

"Great! Good to know I can always rely on you." Jason says and then exits left, disappearing into his room.

With him gone I flop back on the couch. The laptop on the coffee table catches my eye.

I reach for it and fire it up.

It's time to see what's been going on in the world while I've been gone. (Because something that has certainly not changed in the past few months is Jason's password. Seriously, he needs to get on top of that. His password has been the name of his favorite virtual Battle-saur from Rumble Lizards IV since he was twelve.)

It's more or less an hour later when there's a knock on the door and Digit lets himself in with a pizza in one hand and a backpack slung over his shoulder.

I welcome him with open arms and steal the pizza box at the first opportunity. When I look inside, I am pleased to see that it's supreme - my favorite.

Jason commandeers his laptop away from me and sets up something to watch.

We watch funny cat videos and eat pizza together in comfortable companionship, eating until we're all full.

When we're done, Jason clears his throat and draws our attention back to him. The good humor that was in his eyes just a minute ago is gone, replaced by a calculating stare I've seen on the Overlord's face too many times to count.

"Clean up. There's something we need to discuss," he says.

Digit and I do as we're told. When we come back over, the coffee table has been cleared. Jason leans over and grabs Digit's backpack. After digging around in it - earning several protests from our beloved cousin - he pulls out a roll of blueprints and throws them out across the table.

Digit sits down on the floor, glowering at my older brother.

I stare at the schematics of DSHA's Paradis headquarters.

"We're going to do this now?" I ask.

"Oui." Jason gestures over the blueprints. "No time like the present. Since both Digit and I know how terrible you are at planning, we're going to help you. After all, we're Overlords. We stick together."

I look away, feeling guilty again. I know it wasn't completely my fault that I haven't been with the other Overlords for a while, but still...

"Alright. We all know what kind of operation this is. We break in, destroy what we have to, and get out. Petite Vex here will be our operative," Jason begins, patting me on the shoulder. "Our current task is finding which room they stash the paper files in."

"Chances are that's all the rooms." Digit snarks.

Jason squints at him like he's an idiot for a few seconds, and then looks back down at his map. "Logically, I'd say it's in this room." Jason points on the blueprints. "It has the best security and the most fire prevention. I suggest you look here."

I nod. "Sounds good to me."

Jason grabs a marker and circles the room.

"Hey! You can't do that! I worked very hard to steal those blueprints! You can't ruin them already! You've got to destroy everything I steal, don't you?" Digit complains.

"For the last time, I've already apologized. What is your problem? Can't you just steal more? We all know that you are perfectly capable of that." Jason reminds him.

"Or we could just maintain the ones we have." Digit grumbles.

I feel like a stranger watching people I don't know share an inside joke. And it hurts. Being excluded always hurts.

But, being me, I can't ever let that show.

"Come on, guys, does it matter?" I groan.

"Yeah, Digit. It doesn't matter." Jason smirks. "Now, as for the plan on getting inside..."

I lean in closer. Digit and I listen intently as Jason highlights out a route. It's impressive. It looks like this plan could actually work.

"Why that way?" Digit, apparently, doesn't feel the same way I do.

Jason raises his eyebrows. "Does it matter? You won't be the one breaking in. But if you are curious, this route has been especially designed for the talents and capabilities of Vex, so that she won't trip any security."

The way he says my alter ego's name almost makes it sound like Vex is someone else. Not me. Not anyone in this room.

Digit huffs but nods his assent. "So you don't need me for anything?"

"Of course we need you." I try to console him.

"Oh?" He looks at me suspiciously. "Please, do tell, what do you need me here for?"

"Comedic relief." Jason interjects.

I laugh.

Digit glares at us. "Har har. You two are so funny."

"Yeah, we know," I humbly acknowledge.

Jason grins at me. "When you two are done sassing each other, there's something I'd like to show you."

I look to him curiously.

Jason starts to pull out his phone. "While you were gone, we've made a few updates to our standard gear. I believe you need a wardrobe change from what you wore prior to your arrest."

Smile fading, I nod. "What do you have in mind?"

Jason flips to some pictures. I smile broadly at what he shows me.

It's a dark grey jumpsuit. The sleeves run down the outside of the arms, held secure by straps every few inches. There's a hood to cover my face if it rains, and a neck gaiter to hide my nose and mouth. The Overlords don't have perception filters built into our suits. I finger the one in my pocket. I'm going to change that, soon.

And the best part? It comes with tall black boots.

I love boots.

I like it.

"I'm glad you do." Jason grins.

I wince and shoot him a look that tells him to stay out of my head. Sometimes I forget my brother is a telepath, too.

"What I've got on my phone isn't all. I have a special treat for you stored up with your new suit." Jason's grin fades to a smirk. (A look that's purely our mother's.) "I'll leave it a surprise for now, but I can give you a hint: I was in contact with a botanist recently. She specialized in carnivorous plants."

I perk up. Now that does sound interesting.

Digit loudly slams his hands onto the table, looking bored. "Well, if you guys won't be needing me anymore, I guess I should get going. Maman will probably be expecting me anyway."

"Alright. Stay safe." Jason gets up and pats him on the back in dismissal.

Digit grunts goodbye to us and exits the apartment, leaving just me and my brother.

A small smile flickers across my lips.

With my fellow Overlords by my side, I'm ready to do anything.

Even break into a high security DSHA office.

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