Author's Note & Acknowledgements

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First off, thank you to the readers who stuck it out and read this whole monster! You guys are the best.

A special shout out should also go to my dad, who got me into writing as soon as I was old enough to learn. Special thanks to all my friends and family who helped me along the way. (For some of you, our lives may have moved on and we don't talk anymore, but my gratitude still remains.)

This book is dedicated to all the 15-16 year old girls who, like me at that age, really wanted to see a protagonist like Vex.

Now, it should be known that this book is the first in a trilogy, and I do plan on releasing the next two books eventually. Exact times of when to expect them, though... I'm not sure I can provide those.

But to wet your appetite and not take you completely by surprise, I will reveal this:

Book two will be called Icarus and will not be narrated by Elaine Bouchard (Vex). Manning Werner (Aether) will take the stage as he performs an amateur investigation into the Overlords. It will pick up approximately six months after the epilogue of Perennial.

If you're interested, just keep an eye out. I will try to be timely.

Once again, thank you for reading.

-- C.C. Reid (darkfrozenabyss)

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