Epilogue -- Vex

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After the initial incident with Aether, working with Nexus isn't so bad. 
The only missions they assign me are mostly retrievals (fetch this file, steal that information, etc.) but I don't resent them for it. It's basically what I was doing for the Overlord before I got arrested. Aside from that, I'm a new member of Nexus, I don't expect them to fall down at my feet and immediately start giving me all the important missions. I doubt they ever will. 
Still, it is odd that instead of sending my next assignment through Jason like they usually do, they've arranged for me to meet with someone else in an unusual meeting spot: the top of the SPI Building, the tallest building in Paradis. 
I absently toy with my hair. A breeze ruffles my long bangs, which are getting into my eyes far more often than they used to, before I decided to grow them out. 
It’s been about six months since my initiation, and it’s spring again. I’m feeling stronger now than I was back then, which is a good thing, I think. 
I sense, more than hear, when someone enters the rooftop behind me. 
"Whatever you want from me, it must be something really dramatic if we're meeting up here." I turn to see Taboo standing behind me. 
Taboo, the information broker who gave me the codes to hack into DSHA's database. I haven't seen her in nearly a year. 
Her hair is a tangled shock of white, framing her face and falling down to her shoulder blades. Her face is painted white and black in a pattern that makes me think of a skull without actualing being a skull. It also makes me think of banshees. Also ghost pirates and skeleton warriors. Her gear is simple and from fitting. All of it is either black or white. 
I had heard she was a member of Nexus. Still, it's a small surprise to see her again. 
"We need a favor," she begins. "It has to do with someone you met in Icarus. Someone I'm sure you're familiar with." 
I raise a brow. This will be interesting. 
"His name is Aether, also known as Manning Werner. I trust you recall him?" 
I try to remain calm and hide how my heart rate is speeding up. Aether? Is he alright? Has he recovered? What does Nexus want with him? 
Also... his real name is Manning? What kind of name is that? 
"What about him?" I shrug, trying to sound as indifferent as possible. After all, that's what I'm known for in Nexus. Professional detachment. 
"He was supposed to be initiated into Nexus over a year ago, but every time we try to get close to him in order to begin the process of seeing if he's ready, he gets suspicious and calls out our agent." 
My brow shoots up. "That's... actually kind of funny. What do you want me to do about it?" 
"We want you to be the agent helping his initiation." 
I laugh. "You can't be serious." 
When I see Taboo isn't laughing with me, I force myself to calm down. 
She continues, "He once told me that you're the only person he's never been able to see straight through." 
"He... told you that? Do you two speak often?" 
Taboo gives me a flat look. "Right now, you're the best option we have." 
"I somehow find that hard to believe. Surely you've heard about what happened the last time I saw him?" A sinking feeling enters my gut. 
"We don't want Vex to do the initiation, if that's what you're worried about. Aren't you a master of recreating yourself? Don't you have hundreds of different identities to choose from?" 
"But –” 
"Both Valor and the Overlord seem reasonably certain you won't try to harm him again. I hope their confidence isn't misplaced." Taboo's voice takes on a hard quality. 
"Of course I wouldn't –” 
"Then we don't have an issue." Her voice is still cold. 
I'm a little afraid she might try to fight me. For a moment I try to remember what her powers are, but when I can't come up with anything it occurs to me that she might not have any powers at all. 
I take a deep breath, centering myself. "How do you plan on reintroducing us? Sending me back to Icarus?" 
"No, we won't be sending you back." 
"What, then? Do you plan on setting him loose in Paradis and arranging a 'chance' meeting?" 
The look in Taboo's eyes says I guessed correctly. 
"You've got to be kidding me." 
"Believe me, I wish I was." 
I frown. She's never been this hostile towards me before. What's changed? 
I study her for a long moment, looking past what her perception filter presents, feeling for whom she truly is. And then it clicks. 
"Does Nexus already have a plan outlined or is that the extent of it?" I ask. 
"We have an outline of what needs to happen. As long as you work within the guidelines you've been given, you're free to do whatever you think is necessary. However, I would appreciate it if you would report back to me or Valor before you do anything too drastic." 
"In other words... I'm not free to do whatever I want?" 
"That’s right." 
I listen carefully as Taboo begins to outline the plan Nexus has come up with. It's simple enough, although it has some risk involved. But then again, what plan doesn't?  
I give her my suggestions, and she grudgingly accepts them. 
When I'm done, she gives me an odd look and says, "Only you could find a way to paint yourself as both the villain and the damsel in distress." 
I shrug. "All in a day's work." 
"You worry me, sometimes." 
I shrug again. "Like I said, all in a day's work." 
Taboo says nothing for a moment, and I can feel her studying me, the way one might study a dangerous animal from a distance. Her arms are folded, her stance is guarded. 
She's the first to look away. "Now that you've been briefed, I should be on my way." 
"Of course. Have a good night." 
She nods and turns away. Once I hear her open the door to the stairwell, I call out to her. 
"Do me a favor and say hello to Aether for me when you get back to Icarus, Megan." 
She freezes, but does not turn around, refusing to give me any sort of confirmation on my guess as to who her secret identity is. 
She leaves without responding. 
The smirk on my face fades as her presence does and I am left alone on this rooftop. 
With a sigh, I turn to face the city. 
From up here, it looks like a constellation of man-made lights. The normal late night city sounds buzz below me.  
Everything feels so small here; the buildings, the people, their lives, my problems. It's quite peaceful. 
The wind begins to pick up. 
I frown. 
It won't be for much longer. 
Aether is coming back. I will get to see him again. We will have the opportunity to start over. 
But I'm afraid that when we meet again, we won't be friends. This time, when we meet, it will be with him as the hero, and myself as the villain. 

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