Chapter 1

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A/n - This is my first book so if there are some mistakes, (which there will be) lmao just comment and ill fix them.


"We don't talk anymore,we don't talk anymore.We don't talk anymore,like we used to dooooooo!!!!"

Sang my phone.Slowly I opened my eyes and groggily grabbed my phone beside me.I wasn't fully awake so I just started pounding on the phone with my finger hoping I might hit the button.Finally I hit it and the song stopped playing.

"Oh thank god" I thought.

Dont get me wrong,I love Selena Gomez but this early?? I put my phone back on the bookshelf beside my bed and collapsed back onto my bright blue pillows and white bedspread.I closed my eyes for a second then realized that today was Monday.
"I hate Monday"

Slowly I got out of bed and checked the time. 8:19
"Crap," I said. "Crap,Crap,Crap,CRAP!!" I panicked. I had woken up late too many times over the last three terms. I have no idea how but I feel like, I'm the only person who gets in trouble at my school. Its the last four days of school I can't mess up or I will get in BIG trouble. I ran across my room tripping on a few pieces of furniture on the way like the bed,carpet,and air.If you couldn't already tell I was quite clumsy. I ripped open my dresser drawers and pulled out a neon shirt with purple stars on it. "Where did I even get this?!?" I questioned as I threw the shirt back into the dresser.

Then finally I remembered that I had a already made outfit.

"Thank you past me!!!" I yelled at the ceiling smiling to myself.

I threw on the white flowey crop top with some light jean shorts.(pic at top or side) I quickly grabbed a pair of socks and slipped them on just as quickly as I put on my sneakers. I grabbed my phone and then I grabbed my brown hair and started dragging a brush threw it. Finally I finished and I ran downstairs and saw 20$ on the table. There was a note with my name on it that said

"Went to work,this is for you - mom" with an arrow pointing to the 20$. I silently thanked my mom and grabbed the money and put it in my back pocket with my phone.I swiftly took my bag off the table and walked through my house and right out the front door.

My house was not too big but it was better than most people would have.We had a giant fireplace in the middle of our living room and white furniture everywhere. My mom loves spruce wood so it's the accent to the whole house. We own a big flat screen TV and the biggest kitchen that you will probably ever see. No,we are not rich. But our grandmother was,she passed away last year and we inherited everything. I ran to the garage and dragged my pale blue bike out from all the boxes and clutter. I hopped on and rode to Starbucks.

I stop at Starbucks every day ever since I started high school.
It's basically my breakfast. When I arrived at Starbucks I did the same thing I do everyday, I rode straight up to the outside window and started my order.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks.How may I take your order??" Rose asked.

I remember the first time I met Rose..


"Welcome to Starbucks!! How may I serve you today?" Someone asked.

I smiled at the tone of their voice, it was sweet and kind. Ready to help. Hey!, who knows she might get my name right too. 'It would be a miracle if it ever happened though.' I thought to myself. Just last week this guy named Andy spelt my name "Cacie" can you believe it? Cacie!! That's not even relatively close to my name! I absolutely hate it when people spell my name wrong, its like a pet peeve. Some people hate nails on a chalk board, others can't stand a messy room. Most people just stay calm or complain if that happens, but not me. If someone spells my name wrong, lord, somebody better hold me down cause I will attack! Usually with a loud voice, but there is the occasional broken nose.

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