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That was all that was going through my mind.

I needed to flee, run, hide. I couldn't remember what or who I was running from I just knew I had to run. Sweat started to drip from my forehead, heat pulsing throughout my body. My vision finally started to work, Slowly but surely I could see where I was running. I was in a deep, thick, forest. Trees surrounded me at all corners, which made me even more puzzled of what I was running from. Suddenly a giant tree fell from nowhere,blocking my path completely.
There was no time to slow down,my legs would give out. The aching pain of exhaustion rippled throughout me,suddenly I felt like I remembered something, it felt so familiar but I knew it was a long forgotten memory. The tree drew closer at every pace I took, but there was a word that played through my head on repeat.
Over and over again.
The tree was a good 10 seconds away from impact. I flinched waiting for the pain about to hit me. I took a deep breath in realizing it would be my last. The word still echoed in my mind when suddenly I knew what it ment. I focused on the tree and my brain just did the rest.
It hurt. It hurt so bad, But I had to keep going.

Finally just as I was about to meet my fate the tree flew up into the air and heaved itself across the sky, after a second I heard a huge loud thump.The trees shook around me as I could barely keep my feet on the ground. My legs started to give out just as I entered a clearing that the large tree was blocking.

The clearing was a huge meadow that was surrounded by tall menacing trees, right in the center of the clearing was the most beautiful oak tree I have ever seen. The birds seemed to dance around the tree almost worshiping it. The sun beamed down on the tree, it looked like something from a fairy tale. Breathing heavy, I wiped sweat from my face as golden brown hair stuck to me like tape. Suddenly I fell to the ground and my eyes shut. Blackness swallowed me whole as the word fled back.


Highly Advanced Psychic....Academy?

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