Chapter 4

25 2 1

That's how Ava is ↑↑↑↑↑


I'm not even joking when I say I ran 10 city blocks. It happened so fast I barley noticed how far I went, it wasn't even a whole lot of time! It was 30 seconds!! Not even! And I ran 10 city blocks. TEN! Um, nope make that 11.

Everything was speeding past me at 'lightning speed.' No pun intended.

"Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, what do I do? I'm running faster then a cheetah, and I'm going through red lights. That's against the law right? Oh lovely! My life is more screwed up. Just calm down, yea calmmmm. Think of slow stuff like...Molasses! And..drying paint! And..turtles! Umm also, my dating life! Really Katie? Dating life? That was good but come on, this is not a time to be funny. Just stop." I rambled.

Suddenly I stopped, all of a sudden just stopped, and I almost ran into a pole. Really?

I look up to see the street pole inches away from my face. I glance around, nobody even noticed that I just..I dunno..super speeded over here? Wait am I invisible!?!

I glanced down at my hands and the rest of my body, sadly I could see myself. Such a shame.

I spun on my heel and turned to the direction I just came from. I took a step forward to test if the super speed went away. I was flung a block away.

Yup still works.

I took another step and got flown another block. I giggled, it's hilarious! I take a step..then poof!! I'm in a different spot.

"!" I exclaimed."Hmm I wonder if the same thing would happen if-"

I started to run and within seconds I was back at the movie theater. I started squealing and jumping around the guys who were still in the same position I left them in. Liam was outside of the car staring at me.

For a moment I just forgot all of my prior stuff I did before the super cool, super speed. It all hit me when Liam just stared at me. Oops..

So I did what any normal person would, walk over to the nearest person and gave them all my money.
Okay maybe not that wasn't normal, it was about as normal as a Christmas Llama wearing a sombrero on a Thursday.

After I gave him my money, I casually walked over to the car (As best as I could with the super speed) and grabbed my phone.

I turned towards the boys and smiled,

"Well boys I'm gonna have to get a rain check on the food and shopping. I have more important matters to attend to. Ta ta!" I gave them a cheeky wink and blew a kiss at Liam.

I started to walk but I just sped outta there. Eh not bad. I didn't freak out. Except for when I ran. Why did I run in the first place? Guess who was there...

Starbucks cutie,
Annoying "cutie"
Liam cutie
And a random guy I haven't met yet.

Note the yet.


I reached home within minutes, thanks to the super speed. But when I got to the door I kinda silently asked it to go away and it did. That was surprising.

I opened the door and kicked my shoes off. My phone was still vibrating like a washing machine on high. Finally I sat down on my couch and scrolled through.

159-messages from 'BESTIE'
43-messages from 'Unknown'
80-Facebook notifications
11-pokes from Facebook
97-Twitter notifications
29-Direct messages
64-Instagram notifications
12-missed calls
113-Snapchat notifications
1-Candy Crush notification

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