Chapter 2

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As I ran out of the room, I made a sharp left and I started running down the east hall. I passed the gym as a bunch of cheerleaders that were practicing, probably for their demonstration for orientation day which is happening on Thusday. I won't be attending because I'm going on a trip to L.A. But sadly I still need to come back next year.

Sweat started to pour down from my brow, getting into my vision. It surprised me because I am actually quite athletic. I quickly wiped it away and came to a fork in the road. One way leading left, the other leading right. I didn't have time to stop so I just took a hard right, hoping it was the right way to go.

I went right and turns out it was the wrong way to go, there was a study period happening!! I pushed through the small crowd, just itching to get out of school to go somewhere but not here. I heard shouts coming from behind me, I ignored them I couldn't stop now I was so close to the exit.

As I was running I kept trying to grasp what just happened. I have read this all the time in books, and I always thought that if something amazing like that happened to me I wouldn't freak out like other people do in books. They would either be frozen in fear or run. I guess that goes along with the fight or flight technique we learned as a kid. If I wasn't about to pass out I would most likely think this was a dream. But its clearly not.

I finally reached the doors after what felt like forever! My legs were about to give out.

I pushed open the doors and took in a fresh breath of air, well that's what should have happened anyway.
I put my hands
in front of myself ready to push open the double doors. But all my hands pushed were air?

Somehow in some weird way, the doors flew open unblocking me from the path to outside. Me being the weirdo that I am immediately mumbled. "What is this wizardry?!"

I mentally facepalmed for my humorous bad timing.

Once I made it out of school I took in a refreshing breath of air.
I was relived to get out of that situation but, I also don't understand why my first instinct was to run. I mean, I have always read books or watched movies, (oh so many movies) about how the person freaks out and doesn't want there magical secret. Now I don't even know if I have a magical secret, but I have to admit that was pretty magical, but not so much on the secret side... curse you mythical pencil! But what I'm trying to get at is that everyone has always wanted something sorta special and magical about them. Sometimes I would sit down and stare at my breakfast trying to find out if I have some sort of telekinesis powers like Matilda, just I haven't discovered mine yet. I have criticized so many books when the main character would say they don't want this amazing power! I have to basically restrain myself from screaming at the book, even though I usually do it anyway.

I shook my head trying to stop the crazy ramble happening in my head. I was about to sneak back in and grab my stuff somehow but I don't realize how far I had walked, or that I started walking at all!! I was about already a few blocks away from the school, I'm too lazy to walk back so ill just get it later.

I was on a street called Brennen view, it was basically a rich person street. The street was lined with gorgeous houses with floor to ceiling windows, hanging plants, luxury gardens and a lake view.
Yes, we have a lake in the middle of our town. Well, more east then middle. So its kinda off centered. But over more east.

And this street (Brennen View) wraps its self almost all the way around the lake. Which is very surprising because our lake is huge!! The thing that gets me is that its sorta shaped like a duck. Yes a quack, quack, duck. Or a two snowball snowman. The smaller snowball, which funny enough is not that small at all. Has Brennen view wrapped all around it. But the humongous snowball, that connects to the lake barely might I add, is all part of the Lakeview protected forest. You could drop a giant house in the middle of the protected lake and you wouldn't hear a thing, and ya our town name is probably the most creative thing I have ever heard. Good on ya Mayor Gibbson!!

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