Chapter 5: Time to Decide

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Chapter Five - Time to Decide

If it were any other weekend, Sabrina would be curled up in front of the T.V watching sappy old romances and placing herself into the females lead's shoes. She would imagine herself in a elegant ballgown, being swirled into a love struck dream by a prince who just so happened to be a handome young man, with fiery blue eyes and soft, windswept hair.

But this weekend, Sabrina locked herself into her room and sunk into memories of the past. Khalid's face had ignited something inside of her that brought back a time that she had tried desperately to forget. One look from Leena's cold eyes, however, had her reliving her past.

Her parents urged her to come out and eat or do something with them but she would have none of it. She didn't want to spend time with her family. She didn't want to go back to school to see Leena and Khalid and all the other kids who ruined Junior High for her. She just wanted all of it to stop. What happened in Junior High was the past.

So why was it now becoming the present?

On Monday morning Sabrina lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. Her mother came in and told her it was time for school. She absentmindedly got up and stumbled through her usual morning routine. Breakfast was taken numbly. She left the house and that was when she finally really woke up. The bitter breeze seemed to shake her out of the stupor that she had been in. She was on her way to school, she remembered, dreadfully.

* * *

When Sabrina got to her locker she found Leila and Emaan emerged in a playful conversation. Leila laughed and joked with Emaan, which she did with Sabrina and anyone else she took a liking to. Sabrina paused to appreciate that they were getting along.

"Oh, here she is!" Leila exclaimed as Sabrina approached.

"Salaam." Emaan greeted, giving Sabrina a warm smile.

"What, my dear lady, took thou so long to geteth hith'r?" Leila asked, dramatically. "Please extend thy fair hand in-"

"Okay stop." Sabrina said quickly. "It sounds like you're asking for my hand in marriage! Also that was horrible acting."

Emaan burst out laughing, while Leila stood there with an expression that was half annoyed and half amused.

"I was about to say 'greeting'!" Leila protested.

All three girls erupted in laughter, clutching their stomachs. This, Sabrina thought, is the only reason I bother coming to school. Sabrina watched Leila's beautiful grey eyes tear up as she doubled over. Emaan was covering her face and snorting which made Sabrina laugh even more. 

Finally their laughter died down and Emaan pulled out her schedule, studying it. Sabrina leaned over and gasped.

"You have homeroom and first class with me!" She said, excitedly.

"Really. You're taking World Religions?" Emaan, asked, making Leila snort.

"It's the only thing she wakes up in the morning for." Leila remarked.

"Excuse me!" Sabrina rolled her eyes, "as opposed to waking up in the morning to powder my nose and spend three hours picking the right pair of heels?"

She eyed Leila pointedly, who shrugged.

Sabrina paused, turning to Emaan. "Wait...why didn't I see you on Friday, then? You weren't even in homeroom, were you?"

"I came late." Emaan shrugged. "And also the principal gave me a tour of the school...which took a while."

"Oh. Well, I'll walk you to homeroom." Sabrina offered, taking Emaan's arm.

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