Author's Note

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That was fun.

Lol, so lets get down to business.

The next book, which I have decided to call The Two Of Us, will be about...marriage. And before you bombard me with questions like: oh I thought you hated love stories and ugh why are you such a hypocrite...well. that's the thing...I didn't even plan this. It just sorta popped up in my head. I was planning to end it here.


Gosh. you people. I just severely dislike it when there are haraam things in an "Islamic" love story. So I'm pleased to announce that this will be very Islamic. As in no dating/contact/drooling over each other and looking down to see a puddle the size of Africa. No siree, none of that stuff will be included in my next book.

There will be one disturbing scene. Like blood and pain. Just a warning. Reed and...the guy who shot Khalid's mother will be back but that's all I'm saying. I'll post a sneak peek later, probably Friday, inshAllah. 

Also, dont expect right away for them to fall in love and get married. Uhh, thats not how I work. I like drama and suspense (if you haven't already noticed) so there will be like major obstacles. Be prepared to scream in frustration. Im not even certain they will get married. Remember: the book will be about marriage, which doesn't mean they will get married. Though there's a good chance of it. Who knows - anything could happen.

With that happy note, I'd like to conclude this with a huge thank you to all my readers and supporters. I had SO much fun writing this and reading your comments :) 

Shout out to ForeverMuslim for the amaazing cover.

And veil_24, Reaper333, anjfreedom1231, tangledinthetruth, pookey_97, SkyCastles, fgurerox and MANY more (sorry if I didnt mention you) for all your support, help and feedback!

JazakAllahu kairan!

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