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((if you don't care about the writers skip this))

I know you were probably expecting the story right off the bat, but there are a couple thing's I'd like to establish first...

One: Hello! As you can probably already tell, I don't know how to use WattPad very well. People probably don't do little intros like this, but whatever, right? Gotta stand out some how...

Two: This account is joint run! I'm Ash and my partner here is Taylor, and we are always here to answer questions or take suggestions (which would be much appreciated actually), and you can reach us at the kik account phanicatmydisco too!   

Three: This is the first story we have written together, and we're beginners so if you're looking for like highest quality, best-of-the-best fanfiction, this might not be the place for you! But if you've stumbled upon our little story during your late night endeavors, then please read on, its much appreciated!

Four: I know some of you reading this will expect a consistent upload schedule... we'll try our best to make that happen.

Phew, enough of that boring stuff! Onwards to the story!

Fire At Will ~ A Killjoys FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now