Chapter Six:

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Cherry Bomb's POV:

It's been almost three hours, and I still don't have that terrible taste of Power Pup out of my mouth. I hate coffee, so I politely declined the drink. My stomach was growling pretty loudly, though, so the guys insisted I at least had to eat half a can. They're all so nice to me and Missy, and I can hardly understand why.

I was sitting in one if the diner's many booths, chatting with Jet Star about random things, when Party Poison came in. "Jet. Dracs are surrounding the supply drop in Zone Six."

I perk up at his sudden statement. "Dracs?"

He nods glumly, and grabs his blaster off of the Diner's bar, where they normally charged them up. "We got a transmission, requesting some help. You wanna come with, or stay here with Missy and Cherry?"

"Stay?" I question. "Why would we stay here? I'm perfectly able to help out, thanks."

Party raises one of his eyebrows, and eyes my swollen ankle. It was getting better, I can tell because it hardly hurts when I move it. It just stings a bit when I put pressure on it. "All due respect, Cherry, I don't think that's a very good idea. Your, uh, ankle doesn't look too great."

"So? I don't need my ankle to shoot things." I retort.

"Regardless of your ankle, we need to keep this place protected while we're out. You and Missy seem like you can do that pretty well." He politely argues with me.

"That's just a nice way of saying you don't want us out there with you." A voice pipes up from the corner. I cast a quick glance over my shoulder, and see that it's Missy, casually leaning against a doorway. "By the way, has anything even ever attacked this place while you've been gone?"

Jet Star shakes his head, causing Party the shoot him a glare. He could look pretty intimidating, when he wasn't just looking pretty in general.

Wait, what? No, that's not what I meant to say, I meant...

Oh, forget it. That's certainly not important at the moment. Back to the situation at hand.

"I'm not opposed to staying here by the way; I'd just like you to be honest with Cherry and I." Missy says, and walks over here. "You can just say that you don't want us to continue slowing you down."

Her leg seems to be healing somewhat quickly. I guess breaking a bone is a bit worse then being shot. She'll be back in the zones in no time, shooting up some Dracs, while I'm stuck here eating damn Power Pup and healing.

"'Continue slowing us down'? When have you slowed us down?" Party Poison asks her, his face softening.

She rolls her eyes, and sits down next to me in the booth. "Don't think I didn't notice the little bits of glass that cut Fun Ghoul's hand pretty badly, and stuck in his vest. I also saw the burn hole in those white jeans, Party."

"So? That probably would've happened if you weren't there," he argues with Missy.

She shakes her head. "Ghoul dragged me halfway through that place. If I hadn't been there, he'd be fine."

Oh. She blames herself. Missy thinks she's a burden.

She did the exact same thing when we were making our way through the zones through that first, painful year of running. Missy thought she was just hurting me because it was her idea to go to this place that turned out to be infested with Dracs, and I got shot pretty badly.

Missy takes that kind of stuff really hard.

"Anyways, I'm fine with staying here if you are, Cher. What do ya say? We'll finally have some time alone from these guys." Missy says, almost completely changing the subject.

I sigh, and glance back over at Party Poison, who looks almost... upset? Sad? I can't put my finger on the exact emotion. Unsure of what to do I answer Missy, "Uh, yeah, we'll defend this mighty fortress.." I force chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

It doesn't work.

The four give nervous glances at each other before heading to the doors. Kobra hesitates a minute before whispering something to the guys and walks back towards us.

"I...Um, I didn't want to leave you guys alone here. Just in case any of the dracs come back."

He slides into the booth seat across from me and nervously watched the three other killjoys run off to the car. No one says anything until the car's trail of dust is nothing but a memory.

"Sooooo..." Missy sighs. "Your ankle doin' any better?"

She nudges me as Kobra turns his attention to us.

"Yeah," I let out. "Still hurts like a bitch though."

"Hey!" She yells, and punches me in the arm. "Watch your profanity."

Kobra's normal daunting poker-face turns into a little sideways smirk that looks a lot like Party Poison's signature face after he makes a terrible joke that he's proud of.

I've hardly noticed it until now, but the two look very alike. They have the same (gorgeous) hazel eyes, and apparently even the same smile. Maybe they're related somehow... Brothers? Cousins? Who knows?

It says silent for a few minutes after that, until I clear my throat slightly, in an attempt to grab their attention. It doesn't work, though, and Missy keeps fiddling with her jacket while Kobra states out the window.

I clear my throat again, a bit louder this time. Missy looks over at me, and blinks before saying, "Do you need a freakin' cough drop, or something?"

That's all it takes for Kobra to burst out laughing. It's the first time I've heard him laugh, and let me just say: it sounds a shit ton like Party's laugh. I'm convinced that they're at least half-brothers now.

That's pretty cool I suppose, to work with your family. They're your biggest strength, but at the same time they can also be your biggest weakness.

"Hey, uh, Cherry?" Kobra looks at me, the poker face returning.

It's the first time that Kobra has actually directly asked me anything. I look up at him. "Yeah, Kobra?"

"There are some cough drops in the cabinet over there."

Missy loses it.

I roll my eyes, stifling a smile. It's good the two are getting along, I guess they've had a lot of bonding time while I was out....

a/n Heya guys! There ya go, another chapter. Hope you're all still enjoying the story tbh. Anyways, make sure you guys comment with any suggestions, or if you notice any mistakes that we need to fix. You can ask us questions on here, too, or one of our other account on various other websites (in the profile bio). I hope you all have a lovely (evening/morning/afternoon/night/etc.), and stay incredible! :) ~Taylor

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