Chapter Three:

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Miss Chief's POV:

"Hey! Who are you?" I struggle to look intimidating as I lean against the table, trying not to wince from the incredible pain in my leg.

One of the men in front of me, who was considerably shorter than the other with long, black hair, smirks at my stance. "You alright there...?"

He waits for me to fill in the blank with my name, but I don't answer. For all I know, this could be a sick prank, or even a delusion.

"Who are you?" I repeat, discreetly reaching towards my blaster that Korse stupidly left on the table behind me, just as a precaution.

"Well," The taller one with a huge brown afro begins. "My name's Jet Star, and this is Fun Ghoul," He gestures towards the shorter male.

A wave of relief runs over me. They're killjoys!

I still grab my gun, but instead of aiming it at either of them, I shove it into my holster. I wonder where Korse hid my dagger...?

"Have you seen another girl here? She's about as tall as him," I gesture towards the black haired one, Fun Ghoul, I think. "She looks a bit like Christmas threw up on her, and she's got red-tipped hair. She came here with me."

"Oh, yeah. Party's taking care of her. Come on, we've gotta get out of here," Fun Ghoul tells me. "One of our friends is setting a bomb set to go off in a few minutes."

He then proceeds to put my arm around his shoulder and pulls on my waist.

My eyes widen as I smack his arm, and shove him away from me. "Hey, hands off, stranger! I can handle myself, thank you very much."

His friend, Jet Star, gets a worried look on his face, and rushes out of the room. I guess he didn't notice that we're not following. Fun Ghoul glances towards the door, and then stares back at me. "Uh, no offence, but we've gotta get out of here before we get blown to bits, and if you can't tell, you aren't really in a good condition to walk. Let me help you."

I begin hobbling away from the table, completely ignoring his offer. As soon as I make it to the door frame, I don't notice the small change in the level, and trip over the doorframe. Somehow, I manage to twist my body so that I don't fall onto my injured leg, but it still throbs in pain and is embarrassing as hell.

Fun Ghoul stands over me, and offers me a hand, smirk on his lips. I sigh, and reluctantly take it, letting him help me up. He looks at me cautiously before laying my arm around his shoulders for support, and lets me lean on him as he pulls me closer to him, so that he's practically carrying me, without all the added weight.

"Let's go, sweetheart," he tells me as we begin (sort of) awkwardly walking together, me limping.

"Don't call me that. I have a name, you know," I argue with him.

"Well, gee, I'd use it if I knew it," He retorts, that stupid smirk back on his face.

"Oh..." I trail off, realizing I never told either of them my name. "It's Miss Chief."

He chuckles a bit. "I get it, like Mischief? Clever. Nice to meet you, Miss Chief."

And that's when the bomb went off.

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