Chapter Four:

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Cherry Bomb's POV:

The last thing I remember before blacking out is bright red hair, a searing pain, and lots and lots of smoke.


Miss Chief's POV:

I hear the explosion far before I feel it. A noise, a loud, almost cracking sound, echos through the air, and Fun Ghoul and I only have a matter of seconds to exchange worried glances before the building shudders.

He starts swearing incredibly loudly, and starts walking faster, cursing some guy named Kobra Kid or something like that.

"We've gotta get out of here, before the building collapses," he tells me, and I see genuine fear lacing his soft hazel eyes.

"Then pick up your pace and drag my sorry ass out of here!" I tell him.

He shakes his head, and he pulls me closer to him as he starts almost running. "I told Kobra not to set it off before I gave him the okay..." He mumbles.

Suddenly, as we round the corner, a few Dracs come running down the hall, directly towards us.

Oh, no.

Fun Ghoul's eyes widen as we skid to a halt along with the three Dracs. Before any of them can react, I pull my free hand away from Ghoul and reach for my gun. I shoot three times, and the aqua blue beams hit each Drac. One straight in the chest, one in its dominant shoulder, and the other through its head.

Fun Ghoul stands there for a moment, shocked by my quick actions. He looks at me, then my gun, and then the Dracs, who have since crumpled to the ground.

"Come on!" I urge him. "Keep going!"

He jumps back into reality, and pulls me along with him again. I put my gun back in my holster so I can stop sliding towards the ground every few seconds and lean on Fun Ghoul again.

We round a few more corners before he speaks again. "You know... You're a pretty good shot."

I snort. "Please. I was aiming for their hearts, which means I missed each time. I think that's just the adrenaline finally kicking in." I reply.

I'm way better with my dagger. Speaking of which, I'm still missing it.

After we make a few more turns, we approach a flight of stairs, going downwards. I wonder if we're close to an entrance yet...

I audibly groan as I realize what I have to do. Let me tell you: stairs are no fun with a broken leg. Believe me, I've tried it before.

Fun Ghoul takes a moment to assess our situation as well. He looks me right in the eye, and says, "Do you trust me?"

I look at him as if he's crazy. "Is this really a good time to ask that question?"

"Do you trust me?"


My sarcastic comment is cut off by a crack appearing in the ceiling above us, and the fan just a few feet to the left of us starts sinking towards the ground.

I yelp. "Okay! Okay, yes, I trust you! Let's just get out of here!"

He lets go of my waist for a second, bends down, and carefully (but quickly) lifts me off of the ground. He begins walking quite fast, carrying me bridal-style down the stairwell. I hardly have any time to register what's happening. It's a long, steep staircase, but we make it down in a few seconds, me clinging onto him for dear life.

As soon as we reach the bottom, he puts me down, and we resume our previous awkward situation, him mostly dragging me and me sort contributing by hobbling along with my one good leg.

Speaking of which, my other leg  (The one that got shot) is still throbbing. My breathing gets more rapid, and I try to focus on anything but the immense pain.

After we walk/run/hobble to the next turn in the building, we run into someone else. A Fiery redhead who was carrying an unconscious figure with a bright lime-green jacket...

"Cherry!" I screech, and try to run to the figure carrying my best friend. "Oh my god, what did they do to her? Is she okay? Does she have a steady pulse?" I bombard the man who is carrying her like Ghoul carried me down the stairs.

"It's okay; She's fine." The brightly dressed man tells me. "She's probably just passed out from the pain, or maybe the smoke got to her a bit too much. I promise, she'll be okay."

I look at him, confused. "The pain? Oh, god, did Korse shoot her, too?"

He looks at me with the same expression. "Korse? You saw him? He shot you?"

I nod slowly. "Yeah, he was interrogating me. No big deal, the gunshot wound, I'll just have to not walk on it for a while."

That's probably a lie, but oh well.

The redhead nods. "No, Korse didn't hurt her, at least not to my knowledge. She, uh... I tried to untie her from a chair, but I guess I didn't do a very good job, and she, um, tripped onto her ankle. It looked pretty nasty."

I nod, and look over at Fun Ghoul. "Do you know this guy?" I ask him, assuming that he may be with him and that Jet Star guy, as most people come with more than two people to do anything important. Well, except me and Cherry. We've been alone together since the beginning...

Ghoul nods furiously, and readjusts me so I'm leaning on him a bit more comfortably. "Yeah. Uh, this is Party Poison. Party Poison, Miss Chief, the wonderful lady who I so gallantly saved."

I give him a look. I can't tell if he's joking or not. "Yeah, well, I saved you from those Dracs, so now we're even."

Party perks up at the mention of Dracs, but I dismiss it. "Don't worry, I took care of them for your friend here." I extend my hand towards him in a friendly gesture. "Nice to meet you, Party Poison. I see you've met my unconscious, clumsy friend Cherry Bomb already."

He props Cherry's head on his shoulder so he can free one of his hands, and then accepts my friendly gesture. "I sure have. Now, as much as I'd love to sit here and talk about your lovely friend here, I think we should probably get out of here before we get crushed."

"Here, I know where the back door leading to the car is. We can drive around the front and pick up Jet and Kobra at the original rendezvous point."

I nod. "My ride's around the left backside, if you drop Cherry and I off back there, we can be on our way."

Party's face darkens, and he shakes his head. "No way. You two are coming with us until you're healed. There's no way you can drive with a blasted up leg. Ghoul here can drive your car to our hang out, where we can heal you both. Then we can send you home. Sound good?"    

A light above us explodes, and we all exchanged worried glances (except Cherry, she continues to sleep), and begin to follow Fun Ghoul rather quickly. I hobble along besides him, but he seems to have found a way to do it without me flailing around too much.

We finally reach a pair of tall, glass doors which Party Poison opens by pushing his back against the bar, being careful not to bump Cherry's head against anything. We all file out, and soon approach an open-hooded, colorful car that I assume is theirs.

Party opens the passenger side door and slips Cherry into it, and quickly shuts the door so she won't roll out.

While Ghoul leads me to the car, I begin to feel a bit light-headed and queasy. The blood loss from my leg must finally be getting to me. I depend on him more, and lean into his shoulder harshly.

He starts mumbling things to me, but I can't make out half of what they mean. I hear, "Hold on, Miss, we're almost there," and "A few more steps."

As soon as I hit the comfortable leather seat in the back of the car, I pass out.

A/N: Hello beautifuls! We've got a pretty long update today, so we didn't have as much time to edit. If you see a typo please let us know so we can fix it asap! Also, thank you for all the views and votes, they're much appreciated! xoxo ~Ash   

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