Chapter Nine:

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Miss Chief

Kobra started getting really anxious after about ten more minutes. He started pacing around, fiddling with his bright red blaster and muttering things under his breath. He starts saying things like, "They're never out this long... We'd always come straight back afterwards... It was nearby, right?"

After a while, his anxiety over the whole situation starts rubbing off on me, too. What if something did happen to them? They've been so welcoming to Cherry and I, and it'd really suck if something went wrong.

Finally, I speak up. "Do you want to go look for them?"

Kobra's head snaps up, and he looks over at me. "What? You want to go out and search for them?"

I shrug. "Well... yeah. That's what you want to do, right?"

His Hazel eyes brighten a bit, and he then vigorously nods his head. "I'd really like that. But, what about Cherry?"

Cherry's head turns towards me as she hears her name. She'd probably zoned out, staring at the bleak sky out the window to her right.

"Hm?" She grunts.

"Kobra and I are going to go look for the guys, they should have been back by now."

"Oh, okay." Is her only reply as she stares back out the window.

I want to ask her if she's okay but Kobra tugs at my sleeve indicating he wanted to go now.

As we bust out the door, I give Cher one last glance but she continues staring out that window.

I take a look up to see what she might be looking at, but there's nothing in the sky,

Not even a single cloud...

"We'll have to take your car, is that okay?" Kobra asks, walking over to the second most important thing in my life. I wince as he pats the hood but give him a nod.

He walked over to the driver side and started to open the door but I give him the meanest glare I can muster.

"Not today buddy," I say as I hold up my jingling keys.

He sighs through a smile and passes me as he gets in the passenger side. As I sit down, the smooth leather interior welcomes me and I'm instantly filled with all the memories of cherry and I stealing this beauty and practically flying down the streets of Battery City as we raced out of town.

"Which way?" I question and Kobra points out to the middle of the desert.

"Keep going that way, you'll know when to turn."

Despite me being confused and skeptical, I drive off putting my full trust in him.

A/N: sorry for the late update guys! school's almost out so the both of us are focusing more and more on our studies... we're writing as fast as we can ;) thanks for understanding loves xoxo ~Ash

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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