Chapter Two:

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Cherry Bomb's POV:

I shut my eyes as Missy's shout rings through my head. After Baldy (That's what she calls him) shot her, he paces around the room, very quiet. After a little bit he giggles.

"What?" Missy spits out. "You think shooting people is fun? How about you hand over that gun and I'll show you just how great it is."

Her whole demeanor has changed in a split second. She went from carefree and sassy to angry as all heck.

"How about you answer my goddamn question?" He says right back at Missy.

"Wow, language," She tells him.

Missy then looks right at me, smiles, and winks.

How can she stay so calm when she was literally just shot?!

I'll never know.

Missy then crosses her legs and places them on the table in front of her, the injured one on top. I assume that she's trying to look calm and cool, when in reality that position just relieves some of the pain from the gunshot wound.

Or she's trying to show me the wound, as if to say, 'Don't worry, I'm totally fine right now, just a scratch.'

That one's more likely, but at this rate, I may never know.

Once again, I struggle for the little pocket knife in my jacket. I have to be real discrete about it as the guards who searched me didn't find it before. I don't want to give any hints that it's there now.

My wrists burn against the rope tying me to the rickety chair, and I let out a sharp breath of air as pain surges through my arms.

I eye the guard to my right. His longish black hair covered his hazel eyes, and he looks only a few inches taller than me. I really could take him if I broke myself out, but the guard to my left, he's a different story. His brown curly hair is covered by a hat, and he seems about a half a foot taller than brown eyes. A scowl covers his face as he desperately tries to make eye contact with the other guy. I practically forget what is going with Missy as I focus on the two men guarding me. They don't really seem to be the type to work for Baldy. I mean, they both had that long hair and a certain look in their eye that gleamed with something I've only seen in Missy's eyes...

Suddenly, another man in a Drac mask walks into the interrogation room that Missy's in, and walks over to Korse. He whispers something into his ear, and Korse lets out a loud swear.

With a quick glance over at the remaining two dracs beside him, he says, "Make sure she doesn't try anything stupid. I'll be back soon."

Soon after, Korse and the Drac who gave him the message leave the tiny room

One of the guys suddenly grunts to get his friend's attention. Black hair walks over towards the interrogation room door and grabs a bright green gun. Before entering he turns back to face me and says "Hang in there, princess." With a wink.

Appalled, I watch as him and the other man open the sealed door that apparently leads into the room with Missy in it. The two Dracs immediately sense something is wrong, but the men react before they can even reach their blasters.

The guys who were previously in here with me both simultaneously shoot both of the guard Dracs, leaving them dead on the floor. Missy looks up at them with shock etched all over her face. She leaps up, wincing, but poises her hands to fight. She's about to say something but I can't hear over loud shouting from the door behind me. Muffled and faded, I can hear two guys arguing about something I can't quite make out. I turn back just in time to see Missy attempt to take a swing at the short one, but loses her balance as she tries not to put any pressure on her injured leg. He laughs and says something to the taller one but I can't hear. Just then, someone busts open the door to the room I'm being held in. I can't turn around, but I assume it's another Drac here to take me somewhere else while they sort out the situation with Missy and the two guys with her.

"Get away from me," I snarl. Waiting for a response, I struggle a bit more.

A deep voice returns my threat.

"Fine, whatever. Not like I was here to help you or anything."

I stop.

a/n There ya go! Chapter two. So, what do you guys think? Let us know by commenting and voting on the story. Also, updates probably won't normally come out this fast, but we've already written a lot of the story, and I honestly can't wait for it to get out there. Anyways, love you all! ~Taylor

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