Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter fourteen is here yay!!! Sorry it's short! I just felt like i needed to include a chapter that explains Lucy & Harry's history together, so here it is! Enjoy! Don't forget to comment and vote! xo :)

Chapter Fourteen (Lucy’s Perspective)

The day Tobey, Shea, and I got to spend with Liam and Louis had been absolutely fantastic. Shea had calmed down a few minutes after the initial shock of meeting the two boys and treated them like they were just any other people she would hang out with, and for that I was grateful to her. I mean, they were on break, they didn’t necessarily look forward to stressful encounters in the city with fans, and she kept cool and I could tell they were able to relax around her and Tobey.

We’d all piled into Louis’s Range Rover and gone to the mall, surprisingly only running into about twenty or so fans. Louis dragged us into a Toys R Us and bought some new nerf guns and Liam bought us all candy from an adorable little candy shop. We had Chinese food for lunch and ended up getting Starbucks before leaving the mall to come back to my and Tobey’s apartment and watching TV and eating all of the candy we’d bought earlier. Unfortunately, Louis decided it would be a great idea to pelt us all rapid-fire with his new foam nerf bullets. Liam threatened to throw it out the window and thankfully that discouraged him from continuing his onslaught.

Liam had helped Tobey and I make a pizza for dinner, from scratch I might add. Louis and Shea weren’t allowed in the kitchen because of their tendency to burn anything they touched, even if an oven wasn’t directly involved. It turned out really good and we had Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for dessert. Three entire tubs, in fact. Tobey took Shea home, since she’d taken a cab to our apartment earlier. They’re still gone. Louis and Liam are lounging on my bed with me.

“I had a lot of fun today,” Lou admits, closing his eyes and smiling tiredly, cheek smushed into the duvet.

“Me, too,” Liam agrees. I nod as well. I can’t help but think about Harry. We all remain silent for a while before I realize that someone’s saying my name.

“Lucy?” Liam says again, prodding my arm with his finger.


“I asked you if you are alright?” He says uncertainly, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, um, yeah. I’m fine. Just thinking,” I explain.

“What about?” Louis asks.

“Honestly?” I begin. “Harry…”

“What about him?” He asks gently.

“I miss him,” I admit. “I know it’s only been like, 38 hours since I saw him last, but that’s a long time. Especially without talking to him. Or texting. Anything.”

“I know. He’s taking it hard, too, love,” Liam says, angling his body so that he could rest his chin on my thigh as my legs stretch out in front of me.

“What to you mean?”

“He won’t leave us the fuck alone!” Louis complains, raising his voice slightly. I can’t help but smile.

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