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Just telling that this prologue isn't related to the fic:(

Seriously this chap is really boring Lol



There were 12 pair of gold wings in the room. They were sitting gracefully except for one.

"She blinded my son, Zeus. How could you not punish her! She's a sinner! We should get rid of her!"

"Calm down, Poseidon. We're the head angels, we should act elegantl-"

"Oh cut your crap, Hestia! How do you expect me to calm down when my son, Triton, is blinded by one of the honourable angel!"

"Oh, come on. Triton is kind, but he sometimes pranks others by using that trumpet of his. I think it's normal to react the way that angel reacted."

"Really Hermes? Do you think my dearest son would do something like that?! And if--"

"Stop it!" Zeus commanded.

No one dared to talk whenever Zeus used his commanding tone.

"The crime she had commited is unforgivable. But have you forgotten what has she done to save us? She deserves one more chance."

"What do you mean? We don't have place for sinners." Aphrodite argued.

"Just tell the guards to bring her in."

The girl is an angel. And by that I mean a honourable one. Heck, she was suffering. She was badly beaten and her whole body was sore. Her hands were handcuffed.

"Get up, sinner. You were called by Zeus."

When the girl didn't show any  reactions, the guards harshly dragged her to the head angels' room.

"Hello there, Sowon."

"What do you want, Zeus? Execute me? Ha. I've been waiting for that."

"Look! The girl clearly isn't worth it!"

"Would you keep silent, Poseidon?"

Poseidon closed his mouth grumpily.

"Sowon, if you want to continue living in the Sky Castle, please say the oath."

"Well, what makes you think I'd do it, Athena?"

"I'm sure you wouldn't want your life to ends here."

"Actually, I'm not going to say the oath."

"Well, aren't you interesting? Do you even know what are you about to face?"

"I know very well, Hades."

"Okay, I'm going to decide. Since she didn't want to say the oath, and she doesn't deserve to die, I'll send her to Hell Kingdom."

"B-but Zeus, that means.."

"Yes, Hera. I know that punishment is maybe worse than being die, but at least we won't kill her."

"Are you sure, Zeus?"

"... Yes, I'm sure."

•°•°•°•°•° End of Prologue °•°•°•°•°•

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