#2 The Planned Meeting

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She was sitting on the ground. She put her arms on a quite big rock and made them her pilllow.

Jimin saw all. By all, I meant all. Yes, all. Every inch of her body. And worst of all, she didn't have anything to cover her perfect body but her grey wings.

... And unfortunately, Jimin was the most pervert of all the 7 siblings.

'Goshh she is naked.. And she is hot! A hot angel. She has that pretty face, pointed nose, plush lips-'

Jimin was very surprised because the girl suddenly woke up and blinked innocently at him. She yawned and Jimin found it... cute...

"Uhm.. Who are you and why are you staring at me like that?" The angel asked.

Jimin stuttered and quickly looked at her and immediately regretted his action because she was standing there like there was nothing to worry. There WAS something to worry inside his pants. Jimin took off his white t-shirt and threw it to her awkwardly.

"Uhh.. Why do you give it to me? It's so sweaty and that's just totally GROSS."

"Y-ya!! Cover it with that!" Jimin shrieked.

"Cover what?"


"And what the heck is that thing you're talking about?"

"Your body!!"

The angel looked down to her body and shook her head. "No way."

"Yes WAY!! I'm a freaking man with raging hormones and you're a full-grown woman standing in front of a man NAKED! I can pin you down whenever I want to."

"Aishh shireo~~ It's too hot here!" The angel childishly whined. Jimin finally gave up convincing her and decided to choose another way to make her use the damned t-shirt.

"Hey, are you not scared by what I'm gonna do next?" Jimin asked dangerously and walked slowly towards the poor angel. But the angel wasn't intimidated by the demon.

"Try me.." the angel replied.
Jimin saw that the angel was really stubborn and he knew that she wasn't going to give up anytime. So he just simply grabbed the t-shirt and put it on her body.

"There. Done nicely."

The angel pouted and thumped her feet. "Unfair"


"Heyy it's raining! Yeay finally it'll be colder.."

"But if it's raining, that means I can't go home!" Jimin panicked.

"Well, since it's midnight, you might as well stay here and wait for the sun to rise~"

"It's MIDNIGHT? How can it look like it's in the noon?"

"You see.. I'm an angel. Every angel has one ability.."

"Yeah, demons have that too, but what's your ability? Light? That's pretty weak.. Mine is teleportation, I can teleport to everywhere I want to.. But I flew here because I was really bored."

"Wow, that's pretty cool! My ability is.. " the Angel suddenly vanished into the air and showed up in front of Jimin.

"What? Yours is teleportation too?"

"Uh-huh.." the angel shook her head.

"Prince Jimin where are you?!"

The angel knew that the man she was talking to is the man who his name was shouted. Because she knows everything but..

So far, how's my story? And who do you think will be the main male lead in this fic?



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