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It was late at night, and you found yourself unable to sleep. It had been a while since you'd gotten a good sleep. Avi had been gone for months, and things just weren't the same without him around. You still talked to him on the phone, and you two would video chat as often as possible, but it just wasn't the same.

You missed so much about him. You missed his laugh. You missed the funny look he would give you when you told a bad joke. You missed how tightly he held you when he didn't want to get up in the morning. You missed how he kissed you with so much passion that your face would get hot and you'd be left breathless.

Not having him around was so strange. You felt like a piece of you was missing. The two of you did so much together that being without him almost hurt physically. You'd been dealing with it the best you could, though there were a few times that you cried because of how much you missed him.

You stared up at the ceiling, sighing. Unsure of what else you could possibly do, you grabbed your phone off of the nightstand and went to Facebook. There were only a few people online, which didn't surprise you, since it was well past a reasonable time for most people to sleep.

Suddenly, you heard a noise that made you tense up. It was the front door opening. Had you forgotten to lock it? Was somebody breaking in? That was the only possibility. The only other person with a key to the house was Avi, and he was gone.

Shaking slightly, you placed your phone down on the nightstand. Luckily, you kept a baseball bat beside your bed for such an intrusion. You grabbed it and clutched it tightly, keeping it over your shoulder as you headed toward the bedroom door, your breathing heavy.

You crept out of the bedroom and down the hallway toward the stairs. You could hear someone walking around. The lights were all off. Taking a deep breath, you slowly headed down the stairs, making sure that you made absolutely no noise.

Once your feet touched the cold tile floor at the bottom of the stairs, your heart was racing. The person was in the kitchen. You walked over, standing in the doorway. They were bent over, looking through your fridge. Confused, you took a step closer. You held the bat high above your head, ready to strike the person.

They turned to face you, the fridge door shutting behind them. You couldn't make out any features in the dark. You flicked the light on, taking one last step closer.

"Whoa, whoa!" Avi shouted, his eyes wide, holding a bottle of water.

"Avi?" you asked.

You dropped the bat. It clattered against the floor, the sound making Avi jump slightly. You walked toward him, raising your hand to his face and stroking his cheek.

"You're home." you smiled. "I didn't know you were coming home."

"I thought I told you." he said, still looking a little frightened. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"I thought someone was breaking in." you admitted. "I was just...in bed, I couldn't sleep, and I heard someone come in. It scared me."

"I'm sorry." he said once again.

Silence fell over the two of you. You just stared at him for a moment, unsure if you were dreaming or not. No, this was real. He was standing right in front of you. Without warning, you wrapped your arms around him, kissing him. Surprised, he stumbled backwards, bumping against the fridge. He pulled away for a moment.

"You really missed me." he laughed, placing his water bottle on the counter, then putting his hands on your waist.

"Of course I did." you replied, feeling a few tears forming.

"Hey, don't cry, my love. I'm here with you now." he said. "I missed you so much. Not having you around has been so-"

"Strange." you interrupted. "And weird and it just feels...wrong to be without you."


You kissed him once again. He reciprocated, sighing into the kiss. You smiled softly against his lips. You tangled your fingers in his hair, trying to get him as close as possible. You didn't want to let go of him. You pulled away from his lips and started kissing his cheeks, then down to his neck and collarbones.

"I can't believe you're here." you said, breathing against his skin.

"I'm happy that I'm finally with you again." he replied.

You moved your head away from him and he leaned down, his forehead pressing gently against yours. You just stared into his eyes, not wanting to move away from him. You moved your hands away from his hair and grabbed his from your waist, lacing your fingers with his.

"You're not leaving right away, are you?" you asked, afraid of what the answer may be.

"I have a few days to spend with you." he replied.

"Oh." you said sadly, pulling your face away from his and looking down at the floor.

"Hey, look at me, okay?"

"What?" you questioned, looking up at him, biting your lip.

"I'm here right now." he smiled, squeezing your hands. "And that's all that matters."

Avi Kaplan Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now