rainy day.

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You looked out the window, staring at the sky as rain poured down from the clouds. You heard the quiet strum of a guitar ringing through your ears and you sighed. The past few days had been extremely boring.

Your boyfriend, Avi, was finally off tour for a few weeks, and for the first few days of him being home, it did nothing but rain, which left the two of you with nothing to do. He would just sit in the corner of the living room and play his guitar, humming quietly to himself while you stared out the window.

It wasn't exactly how you'd pictured his homecoming.

Even though you had no choice but to see each other for these few boring and uneventful days, you didn't really say much to each other. It wasn't that your relationship was in trouble, not at all. There just wasn't much to be said. Just like there was nothing to do.

Suddenly, while staring out the window, you got an idea. Your face lit up and you climbed off of the couch, your feet padding softly across the floor. Avi looked up, curious, but said nothing.

You went into the closet by the front door and grabbed your rubber boots and raincoat. You heard quiet footsteps and when you stood up straight to pull on your jacket, you saw him looking at you, his arms crossed.

"What are you doing?" he asked, an amused look on his face.

"How many days has it been since the sun was out?" you questioned, zipping up your coat.

"I don't know...three or four?"

"Exactly. We've done nothing since you've come home, because of this awful weather. And I'm going to change that right now."

You stepped into your boots, pulled your hood over your head, and opened the front door. You turned to Avi, raising your eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" he repeated, looking confused.

"I'm gonna play in the rain." you grinned. "You don't have to join if you don't want to, but I know that I'm going to have a fun time. You're welcome to join in."

He rolled his eyes as you stepped into the heavy rain, feeling it beat down on your face. It was somewhat refreshing to be outside after being confined to your tiny house for so long.

You danced around the front yard, not having to worry about being caught by anyone, since the rain was coming down so hard that you could barely see a foot in front of your face.

All of a sudden, you felt yourself being knocked to the ground. You screeched, shocked, and saw Avi's face above you, his arms wrapped tightly around you.

"What do you think you're doing?" you asked, frowning.

"You told me I could join." he winked.

"I didn't tell you that you could knock me over and make me all muddy."

"Aw, I'm sorry."

"I'll forgive you. Only because you're cute, though."

He moved off of you and helped you up. You didn't know how much time passed. You were dancing in the rain, constantly knocking each other to the ground, mostly by accident, and you were happy to finally be spending time with Avi.

You decided it was time to go inside after you were both thoroughly soaked from head to toe and it had started to get dark out. Once you both got inside, you took your coats and boots off and headed to your bedroom.

"I'm tired." you remarked, yawing loudly.

"Get your pajamas on and then we'll go to sleep." Avi replied, throwing a pair of pajama pants and one of his shirts in your general direction.

You stooped down to pick them up and went into the bathroom, changing quickly into the warm and dry clothes. You decided to just leave your wet clothes on the floor, thinking that you'd deal with them the next day.

You went back to your bedroom, seeing that Avi was already in the bed, his eyes closed. You crawled in next to him, thinking he was already asleep. You felt his arm wrap around your waist and he pulled you close to him, opening his eyes.

"Today was a fun day." he smiled.

"I know." you replied. "We should do it again sometime."


He kissed your nose and you blushed, snuggling closer to him. He laid his head back and closed his eyes again. You rested your head on his chest, his quiet heartbeat making you feel even sleepier.

"I love you," he mumbled. "So much."

"I love you too." you responded, feeling your eyelids getting heavy.

You closed your eyes and finally fell into a peaceful and happy sleep, grateful to have spent the day having fun with the love of your life.

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