i want to love.

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Avi was your best friend in the entire world. You'd known each other since you were about two years old, when your family moved in next door to his family. Your parents and his became fast friends, which meant you got to see him constantly.

The two of you went through pretty much everything together. Growing up together, there was nothing you hid from one another. Whether it was issues at home or school trouble or heartbreak, you always caught each other whenever you fell.

Once Avi started touring the world, it seemed like girls everywhere wanted to be with him. You thought it was funny that girls were constantly fawning over him since you'd known him for so long. Some of his fans even thought you were together at times. Sure, he was an attractive guy, but he had a lot of girls going after him, so you were certain that nothing would ever happen between the two of you.

A lot of girls seemed to be jealous of the close relationship that you had with Avi. Whenever he wasn't touring, the two of you spent tons of time together. You'd see girls giving you dirty looks, but you would just smile, happy that you were his best friend.

He was finally coming home, and you were bouncing off of the walls with excitement. Even though you talked to him on the phone or had video chats on Skype, it just wasn't the same. You had been so used to seeing him constantly for such a long time that it was a little strange only getting to see him in person every once in a while.

You heard a knock at your front door and you ran to get it, a huge grin on your face. You pulled the door open and saw Avi, smiling. You pretty much pounced on him, hugging him tightly. He hugged you back, sighing.

"I'm so happy to be back," he mumbled. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too." you replied as you pulled away from him. "Come in and tell me all about the tour and everything!"

"Why don't we go out for a walk? It's a really nice day out."

"Okay." you nodded, smiling. "Give me a second to get my shoes on."

You slipped on a pair of sandals and grabbed your house keys. You stepped out of the door, locking it, then stuffing your keys in the pocket of your shorts. Avi followed you as you walked down the front steps. The two of you walked down the sidewalk in silence for a moment.

"So, what has it been like?" you asked, breaking the silence.

"It's amazing." he replied. "I get to do what I love, I get to hang out with my friends all the time, and I get to meet the fans. They're all so nice, and it's just a dream come true. I mean, there are a few downsides, but most of it is great."

"What don't you like about it?"

"I don't like being away from you." he sighed. "I mean, all of my friends and family."

"We still talk on the phone. And you still get to talk to your other friends and your family, right?"

"Yeah, but it's not the same." he shrugged.

The two of you continued to walk silently until you walked by the beach and decided to just hang out there. You walked onto the sand and sat down. Avi looked down at you for a moment, smiling softly, before sitting down next to you.

"What are the fans like?" you questioned. "Some of them must be throwing themselves at you."

"Is that jealousy I'm hearing?"

"You're an idiot." you laughed. "I was just wondering."

"No, most fans aren't like that. There have been a few, but most are just really sweet."

"I wish I knew what it was like to have fans. That'd be so cool. To just...have people who admire you so much and look up to you. I think I'd like that."

"I admire you."

"That's different." you shook your head.

You looked over at Avi again and you realized that he was staring at you. He seemed to be doing that a lot, and you weren't sure why. You tucked your hair behind your ear and moved a little bit closer to him.

"What's with the staring?" you asked.

"Sorry." he chuckled nervously. "It's just been so long since I last saw you."

"I know, it feels like it's been forever." you sighed. "But at least we're together again."

You rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around you. You smiled to yourself, you were so happy to be with Avi. Spending time with him always made you happy.

You felt him kiss the top of your head and you looked up, a little confused. In the years that you had known one another, he had never done anything like that.

"What was that for?" you asked, confused.

"I don't know." he shrugged. "I'm just happy to be with you right now."

You smiled and nodded, looking at him. You had always found Avi attractive, and something about the way he was acting made you think that he had some sort of romantic feelings toward you. But, why now? You two had known each other for your whole lives, had the feelings come out of nowhere?

You two knew each other better than anyone else. He was the perfect person for you, almost like a soul mate, but maybe you were just blowing things out of proportion or thinking too much. Maybe he just missed you. Yeah, that had to be it.

"What are you thinking about?" Avi asked. "You look confused.

"I'm just...I don't know, wondering..." you replied, pulling yourself out of his arms so you could sit up.

"Tell me about what you're wondering."

"I was just thinking...what do you think it would be like to date your best friend?"

"Why are you thinking about that?" he questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"I mean, I hear about it all the time, best friends end up falling for each other and, I don't know...do you think that would be bad or good? I think it would be a little bit of both. You know everything about one another, but at the same time, you know each other's flaws and everything bad that has happened, you know?"

"Are you implying something?"

"No, not at all."

He stared at you for a second. You smiled innocently, hoping that he wouldn't catch on. You knew he already had, though. Well, this was sure to be awkward and uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Avi placed a hand on your cheek and lowered his face to yours, kissing you softly. You felt your body tense for a moment, and you didn't know how to respond. It felt a little weird kissing your best friend, but it felt wonderful at the same time. You didn't want it to stop.

After a few moments, he pulled away. You bit your lip, looking up at him through your eyelashes. You weren't quite sure what to say to him.

"I've been thinking about doing that for a while now." he admitted. "I don't know when it happened, but I ended up falling in love with you. And I wanted to tell you as soon as I saw you, but I was nervous. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and maybe I will, but at least I told you. That's all I wanted to do."

"Avi, I've always thought you were the most handsome guy ever." you laughed. "And I've loved you for a long time. When we were young, you helped me clean up after I fell off of my bike. You hugged me and told me that I would be okay. And since then, I knew you would always be my knight in shining armour. That's what I love about you. Maybe we are best friends, but what would be better than being together, while still being best friends?"

"I think you're right." he nodded. "We know each other so well. And maybe we know things about one another that aren't that great, but that's alright."

You smiled and leaned forward, kissing him again. You felt him smile into the kiss, raising his hands to cradle your face while you grabbed at his shirt, pulling him closer.

You never really saw this happening to you. You'd always thought that these kinds of things only happened in cheesy romance movies. But you couldn't have been happier that it actually happened to you.

Avi Kaplan Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now