view from the bedroom.

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It had been a stressful day. Your boss had yelled at you because you'd gotten something wrong, and while you knew it was your fault, you felt like you didn't deserve to get screamed at for ten minutes because of it. You'd been worried for the rest of the day, scared that you'd mess something else up and get yelled at once again.

Once you got home, you realized that there was almost no food in the house. Sighing, you ordered a pizza, and were eagerly awaiting its arrival, your stomach growling as you thought about it. After you finished changing into more comfortable clothes, you realized that you'd forgotten to check your mail.

You ran down the stairs and out the door, going down the small walkway in front of your house to the mailbox. As you got your mail out of it, you saw a car pull into the driveway next to your house. You smiled and waved as your neighbour Avi got out of his car. He smiled and waved back.

"How are you?" you asked.

"Pretty good, you?" he replied.

"A lot better now knowing that I've got a pizza on the way." you laughed.

"You're sharing, right?"

"In your dreams, Kaplan."

You went back inside, waving once more as you did. You were happy that you had a good relationship with Avi. You'd heard horror stories from your friends about their terrible neighbours, and they were extremely jealous when they found out that you were living next door to a gorgeous singer.

You'd always fancied Avi a little bit, even though you never told anyone about it. But how could you not? He was always so nice to you. As soon as you'd gotten to the new house, he came out and introduced himself, and even helped you bring your stuff in when he realized that you were going to be doing it all alone. You liked having him in your life.

As you were standing, thinking about Avi, you heard a knock on the door. You jumped in excitement, grabbing some money out of your wallet and going to the door. The pizza delivery guy smiled at you, handed you your food, and you paid him, telling him to keep the change.

Grinning, you went up to your room, placed the pizza down on the bed, and opened your laptop, watching your favourite YouTube show. You grabbed a slice out of the box, almost inhaling it. You managed to eat almost half of the pizza before you started to get full.

You got off of your bed, closing the pizza box and walking over to the window, opening it and letting the cool autumn air flow through your bedroom. You were about to walk away from the window, when something caught your eye.

You could see Avi's bedroom across from yours. He was dancing around his room. You could hear the pounding bass of whatever it was that he was listening to, but couldn't make out the song or the artist. He swayed his hips to the beat and you found yourself staring at him as he jumped around, lip syncing the words to whatever song he was listening to.

You rested your elbows on the window sill, watching him, thinking for a moment that you probably looked extremely creepy, but not really caring all that much. You laughed loudly as you watched him, and he suddenly stopped and turned toward you. You could see the blush creeping onto his cheeks. His eye widened and he ran over to the window, shutting it and closing the curtains.

You felt bad. He was definitely embarrassed. You immediately threw a sweater on and went out the front door, walking across the lawn and going to his front door. You knocked a few times, waiting for him to answer. He threw the door open, smiling, but his face went red once again once he saw that it was you.

"Oh...hey." he said quietly, looking down at his feet.

"Hey." you replied. "I'm sorry for...watching you. It probably looked really creepy."

"I'm just a little embarrassed that you saw me doing that." he sighed, reaching his arm up and scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about." you shrugged. "We all dance around our rooms. It's normal."

"But people don't usually see you doing that."

"I guess not. But people see you sing and dance all the time."

"That's different." he chuckled.

"If you say so."

The two of you stayed silent. He finally looked up at you, his green eyes seemingly burning into you. You felt yourself blushing under the weight of his gaze. You weren't really sure what to say to him.

"Thanks." he finally said.

"For what?" you asked, confused.

"For coming over here. I thought you were laughing at me because I...looked dumb or something."

"No, no. I was laughing because seeing you dance around like that just made me happy, as cheesy as that might sound. I had a stressful day, so it felt nice to just laugh a little, you know?"

"Yeah." he nodded, smiling. "Laughing always feels good."

As he stood in front of you, you couldn't help but feel like you wanted to spend more time with him. You'd never really spent more than a few minutes alone with Avi, other than when you'd first moved in and he helped you. It couldn't hurt to ask him to hang out, right?

", I was thinking, do you maybe wanna...come over?" you asked nervously. "I still have some pizza, and I just, I don't know, you're probably busy, so...yeah. Just forget I asked."

You started to walk away, when you felt Avi catch your wrist. You turned back toward him, your face still feeling a little warm. You looked up at him, biting your lip as he slid his hand down and interlocked his fingers with yours.

He grinned, "I'd love to come over."

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