everything but mine.

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He was perfect.

Everything about him was perfect.

You were at your happiest when you were with him. He made you smile wider and laugh harder than anyone else could. You found yourself dreaming about him all the time. You thought about what it would be like to kiss him, hold him, touch him...

But it was wrong.

He was your best friend, and he had been for a long time. You'd known each other for so long that you had no problem with physical affection. Sometimes, you'd walk around in public with your arms linked, the two of you kissed each other on the cheek all the time, and you always cuddled in your bed together.

In a way, you felt like you were deceiving him. He didn't know that you had any romantic feelings for him, but if he did, surely he'd feel weird about everything. It was all so confusing.

You sat on your front porch, taking a drag from your cigarette. The sky was dark, hundreds and thousands of stars above your head. You sighed, exhaling the smoke from your lungs. You shook your head, trying to clear the annoying thoughts from your mind.

"It's gonna kill you, you know." you heard his voice.

You looked up to see Avi, walking toward you, smiling. You couldn't help but smile back. You threw the remainder of your cigarette to the side, knowing how much he hated it. You stood up and walked toward him, hugging him once you got to him. He hugged you back, resting his chin on the top of your head for a moment.

"You really should quit, you know." he said.

"I know." you admitted. "But you know me, once I start doing something, it's hard for me to stop."

"Is that why you've dated so many awful guys?" he laughed as the two of you finally pulled away from one another.

"You're gross." you laughed, softly punching him in the arm.

"You're gross." he muttered back, pushing you.

"Ooh, sick burn." you rolled your eyes. "So, what's the plan?"

"I don't know. Movies, pizza, snuggles?"

"Sounds good." you smiled.

The two of you headed inside of your house, kicking your shoes off and grabbing your cell phone off of the kitchen counter. After you'd placed the order for your pizza, you went into the living room. Avi was laying on the couch, his hands behind his head. You scoffed.

"Where am I supposed to sit?" you questioned.

"Come lay with me." he grinned.

You stood there for a moment, thinking. Your feelings for Avi weren't going to go away if you kept close to him. You needed to distance yourself. Not enough so he would be suspicious, but enough so you could keep your feelings from getting stronger.

"I don't want to get too comfortable." you lied. "If I lay with you, I might get too comfortable and then I won't want to get up once the pizza gets here."

"Hm, good thinking." he nodded, sitting up, then patting the cushion next to him.

You walked over and sat down next to him, grabbing the TV remote and flipping to 'The Simpsons'. The two of you sat there, watching the entire episode, until you heard the doorbell ring. You were about to get up, when Avi stopped you.

"I'll get it." he smiled.

"You sure?" you asked.


Avi Kaplan Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now