coffee shop.

389 16 2

"He's here."

You immediately stood up from the stool behind the counter, smiling widely. It was no secret that you and one of your coworkers were vying for the affections of a certain customer that came in a few times a week. His name was Avi, and you couldn't help but like him. He was so handsome, and even though you only talked to him a few times, you could tell that he was a very nice and genuine person.

At first, you didn't have any competition. You were always the one who made his tea for him, and sometimes you'd give him a quick wink that would make him chuckle quietly. But, once you coworker Victoria saw him, she decided that she liked him as well, and since then, the two of you had almost been competing for him.

It started off innocently enough. Sometimes, she'd lie and tell you that your manager asked for you while you were taking his order, so you'd have to leave and she could take over. After a while, though, she seemed to be the one always taking his order, even tripping you a few times so she could get to him first. You'd still been able to flirt with him a little bit, writing little notes on napkins and handing them to him as he walked past.

"Move." Victoria said coldly, elbowing you.

"Watch it." you replied, glaring at her.

"Oops." she giggled, elbowing you again.

Rolling your eyes, you went over to the napkin dispenser and took one out. Then, you grabbed a pen out of your apron and thought of what to write. You didn't have much time until Victoria would be done with Avi's drink, so you had to hurry.

After a few seconds, you decided that you were just going to write down your cell phone number. What was the worst that could happen if you did? It's not like Victoria would find out. You quickly scribbled it down on the napkin, along with a tiny smiley face and your name.

Victoria walked back over to Avi and flashed him a smile, pushing his tea across the counter. He smiled politely, taking a small sip, then starting to walk toward you. You folded the napkin in half, biting your lip. You felt a little nervous.

"Need a napkin?" you asked.

"Sure." Avi replied, nodding. "Another message for me?"

"Maybe." you blushed.

"I'm looking forward to it, then." he said, winking quickly before walking out of the coffee shop.

Your face felt extremely warm as you watched him stop right in front of the window. He placed his tea on one of the tables outside and opened the napkin. You saw his eyebrows raise as he looked at what was on it. You felt embarrassed. It was a bad idea to write your number down, and you were regretting it.

You laid on your bed in your apartment, sighing to yourself. It was almost 10PM, and Avi still hadn't texted you. He had probably thrown out the napkin after you gave it to him. You felt so stupid. Maybe he was just being nice when he said he was looking forward to your little message. Yeah, that had to be it.

You stared up at the ceiling, only hearing the sound of cars driving by through your open window. Suddenly, you thought your heard your phone vibrate on your night stand. You slowly sat up in bed, grabbing your phone and looking at who was texting you.

'Hey, it's Avi. I hope this is the right number and you didn't just give me someone else's number as a prank.'

You laughed, typing out your reply quickly.

'No, it's me, I promise. What's up?'

It didn't take long for him to reply to you.

'Just hanging out at home. I had a lot to do today so that's why I didn't text you right away. I hope you didn't think that I was trying to blow you off or something.'

You blushed. It was almost like he had read your mind or something.

'Nah, I didn't think that. Okay, maybe a little bit, but I'm a worrier.'

You smiled to yourself as the two of you kept talking for a little while. He was quite funny, and you found yourself laughing out loud at a few things that he said. As it got later and later, you were getting tired, but you didn't want to stop talking to him, even though you had work in the morning.

'Can I tell you something?' he asked.

'Sure, what's up?'

'I'm really happy that you gave me your number. I always thought that you were really cute, but I was a little too nervous to give you my number. I don't know why, but I was.'

You couldn't stop giggling as you read the message. You read it a few times just to make sure it said what you thought it said. He always thought you were cute? He was too nervous to give you his number?

'Would you maybe wanna go out tomorrow?' he asked.

'I work, but after my shift is over would be great.'

'When does your shift end?'

'6:30 PM.'

'Okay, it's a date.'

'It certainly is.'

"Where is he?" Victoria huffed, crossing her arms.

"What's going on?" you asked.

"Don't act like you don't know." she rolled her eyes. "Avi always comes at 2 to get his tea. It's almost 6:30 and he still hasn't come."

"Almost 6:30? My shift is almost over, then."

"Oh, well, I'll let him know you said 'hi' when he comes." she laughed.

You groaned, going into the back room to take your apron off and grab your things. You put your sweater on and grabbed your backpack, slinging it over your shoulder and heading toward the front counter. Victoria glared at you, but her expression quickly changed once Avi walked in the door.

"Hey." he said, smiling at you.

"Hey." you replied.

He surprised you by taking you into his arms and giving you a quick, but firm hug. You smiled to yourself once you pulled away and saw Victoria's shocked expression. You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself.

"You ready to go?" he asked, offering you his arm.

"Such a gentleman." you said, linking your arm with his. "Let's go."

"Wait!" Victoria shouted, making the two of you, as well as all of the customers look at her. "You're...going on a date with him?"

"Yeah, and?"

"You didn't tell me." she said, her jaw clenched, barely keeping in the anger you could tell she felt.

Just to make her a little angrier, you pressed yourself into Avi's side gently, looking up at him. He smiled, looking down at you. You shrugged, turning to look at Victoria once again. She looked absolutely livid.

"I didn't tell you?" you asked.

"You should've said something."

You smiled to yourself, before shrugging once again, and saying, 'Oops."

Avi Kaplan Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now