Chapter 14: Wild Things

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"Mia, I want you to explain everything you found." Harris instructed as both Kaden and I followed him into the room.

My fist were still clenched tightly, nails piercing through my skin as I held a blunt frown on my face. I swallowed heavily, following behind Kaden until he stopped and I did as well two feet away from him.

It hurt to get close. It also hurt to be like this, but the pain was far worse to see Kaden's tongue kissing his Ex and holding her close as if she was his last breath. Why would he do such a thing? How? Especially after taking me on a date.

I bit my lip, tasting the saltiness of my tears while trying hard to hold back the pain in my heart that threaten to water my now glossy eyes. It was unreal the ache he caused.

A loud thump brought me from my thoughts. The noise being a thick book Mia dropped on the table, dust filling the air quickly around it until it settled. "There's so much I don't even know where to start." She mused, scoffing lightly.

"Simple. Start with the ancestors." Harris instructed, lifting a dark green mug to his lips. The smell of Gathednain tea invading all of our senses.

"Okay..." Mia immediately started flipping throughout the book, her eyes searching all the pages before she suddenly stopped. She inhaled deeply, scanning the words while stuffing her thick curls behind her ear. She then looked up and begin explaining. "From the moment Courtney came back from William and revealed to us that the tattoos had more power, we had our doubts but we begin to look into it anyway. Harris had then showed me a sealed off library beneath the palace and that's where I found this book. This book holds most of the information containing the historic events and unique abilities based on the permanent ink on our bodies... And best of all, why we know nothing about it."

"And why do we know nothing about it?" I spoke up from curiosity. This was their planet, how have they not been at least a little bit curious of what the ink can do?

"It's because of your mother." She said softly. 

Mom? The single word caused me to temporarily forget about what had just happened and become interested in the information Mia had gathered. I stepped forward, dropping my tense arms. "You mean, Queen Teenel?"

Mia nodded. "Your mother, Courtney, allowed the next generation to know nothing of the tattoos because when she was young many people abused their powers selfishly, overpowering others and at one point tried to overpower the palace. So when your mother was old enough to take on leadership she decided to give us a sort of 'restart'."

"But how does this concern Ciara and I?"

I was thinking the same but nearly flinched at the use of his words, my eyes narrowing because I didn't want to look at him. Not now, not soon.

Mia flipped a few pages, reading the foreign words quickly. "All tattoos hold certain unique abilities and I think we've found Ciara's from her past generation and also because abilities are usually genetic. Although we're unsure how she found out about this information, we think she's able to transform into different people."

"You mean, you think she transformed into someone else and kissed Kaden?" I questioned, astound. I knew the tattoo was able to enhance running, healing abilities, and strength but to actually transform yourself into something completely different? That was beyond me.

"Yes, however, when she does transform she is only able to manipulate one person with the ability because she isn't developed much. Everyone else see's her as the same except for the victim."

My mouth was ajar. "You're saying all people know about the tattoos is the enhanced speed and strength while no one knows they hold special abilities except for few people like Ciara?"

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