Chapter Two - Kaneki

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and location in this book they belong to Sui Ishida the creator of Tokyo ghoul.

Kaneki always loved reading it was the only thing that helped him clean his mind as it draws him in his own world where he felt like he lived the story and just for a few precious moment forget all about his tragic life, but at that moment when he was sitting at his favorite place to read, a small and peaceful coffee shop by the name of "Anteiku" he couldn't focus on his book, the only thing that drew his attention was a set of two amazing purple eyes and a flash of purple-blue hair that happens to belong to a beautiful girl around his age and for reasons he could not understand he felt like everything is so clear yet so confusing, like everything is so wrong but at the same time so right, so relaxing that even the best book couldn't match it.
A few days later
Kaneki came to the coffee shop every day with his book in hand but he didn't go there to read he used it so no one will suspect him looking at the girl he saw a few days earlier as she walked around playing with a boy that looked like he's her younger brother and he couldn't stop himself from smiling every time he heard her amazing laugh and see her bright smile. The only one who seemed to notice was his best friend Hide and as every good friend he had to embarrass him now didn't he? Well after a few minutes of thinking he came up with the best way to do so, and there is no time like the present. He waited for the purple haired girl and her brother to come close to him and Kaneki when he asked him loud enough for them to hear it "so Kaneki where is that cute girl you were talking about? is she here? Is she that GIRL OVER THERE WITH THE PURPLE HAIR YOU KEEP STARING AT?" He yelled the last part just to make more people look their way. While the girl just froze in place looking right at them and her brother literally glared daggers into Kaneki ,Kaneki just blushed so deeply he was red as a tomato and buried his nose in his book while thinking of a good way to get revenge on his friend that speaking of which almost exploded from laughing so hard he had tears streaming down his cheeks.After a few more minutes of silence from Kaneki Hide reduced his laughter to a few little chuckles and dragged his friend out of there before he won't be able to resist the urge and embarrass him even more with the excuse that the have a test to prepare to.


Well this is chapter 2 I hope you like it and comment on it also if you have any good ideas you want to share I will try to add them in.
I'm sorry if I didn't fixed anything you commented about on the last chapter because I wrote this chapter right after the last one.
Again thanks for reading my story please comment on it and add it to your library for notification.


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